Plant Health Rewin​d ​​​


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  • Audio recordings from special sessions and technical session presentations.
  • PDFs of posters
  • Photo Album featuring moments from the conference
  • Video recording of the Plenary Panel Discussion​

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Closing Session: Awards Ceremony & Plenary Panel Discussion

​​​Featuring Brian Bailey, Associate Professor at UC​ Davis; Malia Gehan, Principle Investigator at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center; and Matthew Clark, Research Leader at the Natural History Museum London 

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  • Abiotic Disorders
  • Biological Control
  • Chemical and Biopesticide Control
  • Cultural Control
  • Disease Detection and Diagnosis
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Epidemiology
  • Fungicide or Antibiotic Resistance
  • Genetics of Resistance
  • Host Resistance
  • Integrated Disease Management
  • Late Breaking
  • Microbial Communities
  • Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
  • New and Emerging Diseases
  • Outreach
  • Pathogen Biology
  • Pathogen Survey
  • Pathogen Vector Insect Interactions
  • Plant Defense Responses
  • Population Biology Genetics
  • Postharvest Pathology
  • Proteomics Metabolomics Genomics

  • Bacteriology

    SPECIAL SESSION: Schroth - Faces of the Future Session: Bacteriology

    Exploring genetic diversity of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni strains isolated over five decades from Prunus hosts in the Eastern United States

    Katherine D'Amico-Willman, North Carolina State University

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    Ralstonia as a model for training the next generation of scientists in plant bacteriology

    Tiffany Lowe-Power, UC Davis

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    Exploring the microbiomes of microbes to better combat plant disease

    Morgan Carter, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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    Global and regional spread of bacterial plant pathogens: implications for pathogen evolution, epidemiology, and chemical control

    Mustafa Jibrin, Oklahoma State University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Bacteriology

    Determining the influence of squash bug (Anasa tristis) population dynamics and cucurbit species preference on Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease incidence

    Kensy Rodriguez-Herrera, Cornell University; 15 Castle Creek Dr

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    It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, No It’s Xanthomonas: Toward Understanding Bacterial Aerosolization and Disease Progression in Tomato Transplants

    Garrett Giles, University of Florida, Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center

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    Biological Control

    TECHNICAL SESSION: Biological Control

    Double-stranded RNA targeting white mold Sclerotinia sclerotiorum argonaute 2 for disease control via spray-induced gene silencing

    Yi-Wen Tseng, The Ohio State University

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    Disulphide Variants of Chickpea Derived NCR13 Peptide with Profound Differences in Antifungal Activity and Modes of Action

    Godwin James, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

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    Foliar nitrogen applications reshape the turfgrass microbiome and increase dollar spot suppression.

    Shashini Welmillage, University of Wisconsin Madison

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    Unecyna, a dsRNA fungicide for control of Erysiphe necator in grapes

    Kestrel McCorkle, GreenLight Biosciences

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    Biology and Disease Management

    SESSION: Biological Relevance in Seed Health Diagnostics: An Area of Needed Research and Industry-University Cooperation, Supported by Corteva

    Corteva Global Phytosanitary Risk Mitigation Lead

    Scott Heuchelin, Corteva Agriscience

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    ASTA Director of Seed Health & Trade

    Martha Malapi, American Seed Trade Association

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    Chair, ISU Seed Technology & Business Graduate Program

    Gary Munkvold, Iowa State University

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Diversifying the Disease Control Toolbox: Integrating Biologicals and Conventional Chemistry to Improve Disease Management Programs

    Integrating biofungicides into conventional disease management programs: challenges and opportunities

    Matthew Krause, Lallemand Plant Care

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    Practical considerations for integrating Biological control with single site fungicides in apples

    Kerik Cox, Cornell University

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    Mixtures of biorational fungicides with low dose DMI fungicides reduce pesticide risk, generate synergism, and affect resistance mechanism

    Johanna Wesche, Clemson Univ

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Translating the Science of High Throughput Sequencing to Seeds

    High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies and methods in relation to seed health and seed testing

    Veronica Roman-Reyna, Pennsylvania State University

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    Seed phytobiomes and high throughput sequencing: Detecting reliably the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Sebastien Massart, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Liege University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: High-Tech Plant Pathology

    Under simulated microgravity, Salmonella enterica infection and cultivar selection alter stomatal aperture and density in Lettuce

    Tania Wiest, University of Delaware

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    Precision plant protection: Exploiting volatile organic compounds for disease detection

    Andrea Ficke, NIBIO Plant Health

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Integrated Pest Management

    Assessment of a site-specific and multi-tactic approach for managing soilborne pathogens affecting strawberry production in California, USA

    Clarence Codod, University of California, Davis

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    Evaluation of Giant Knotweed Extract, Apogee, and Copper for Effective Management of Pear Shoot Blight and Fire Blight Canker

    Matheus Borba, Virginia Tech

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    Mitigating Disease Risk In California Vegetable Transplant Production: Insights from a HACCP Approach

    Johanna Del Castillo Munera, University of California, Davis

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Sustainable Agriculture

    Advancing RNAi technology for sustainable pest and pathogen management with a focus on cost-effective dsRNA manufacturing and market expansion

    Anil Kumar, RNAiSSANCE Ag LLC

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    Integrating biopesticides into field strawberry production using low tunnels and disease forecasting

    McKenzie Schessl, Cornell AgriTech

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    Sustainable Agriculture is Soil Health: Impacts of Chemical and Biological Fungicides on Taxonomic and Functional Diversities of Soil Microbes

    Emma Gachomo, University of California, Riverside

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    Investigating the Impact of Cover Cropping Practices on Soybean Taproot Decline Disease Development

    Qiurong Fan, Michigan State University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: We're Nuts about Peanuts!

    Identification of peanut resistance genes to TSWV using MAGIC Peanut pangenome

    Ethan Thompson, University of Georgia

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    The Art of Resistance: Utilizing a nascent wild hybrid as a new source of resistance to early leaf spot (Passalora arachidicola) in cultivated peanut

    Alexi Dong, University of Georgia

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    Exploring the relationship between Mesocriconema ornatum and Aspergillus flavus by individual peanut pod inoculation in greenhouse

    Sarala Giri, Clemson University; Edisto Research and Education Center

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    Estimation of Peanut Yield Losses due to Sclerotinia Blight in Oklahoma

    Luana Muller, Oklahoma State University

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    Chemical Control

    TECHNICAL SESSION: Chemical Control

    Association mapping reveals genetic mutations associated with tin-fungicide resistance in the sugarbeet pathogen Cercospora beticola

    Ana Martinez, North Dakota State Univ

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    KASP: a genotyping method to rapid identification of SDHI resistance in Corynespora cassiicola

    Qiurong Fan, Michigan State University

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    Managing Fungicide Resistance in Diaporthe helianthi causing Phomopsis stem canker of sunflower

    Karthika Mohan, North Dakota State University

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    Managing Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.): An Emerging Threat to the Sugar Beet Industry.

    Mayowa Aderoju, North Dakota State University

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    Climate Change

    TECHNICAL SESSION: Climate Change

    N NLR-mediated resistance to tomato brown rugose fruit virus in transgenic tomato and characterization of its temperature sensitivity

    Jing Zhou, USDA ARS U.S. Vegetable Laboratory

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    Environmental risk mapping of beech leaf disease in the U.S. and Europe in a changing climate.

    Soumya Ghosh, The Ohio State University

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    Wood decay severity across a microclimate gradient in the urban forest

    Levi O'Brien, SUNY ESF

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    Disease Detection and Diagnosis

    SPECIAL SESSION: Applications of Nanotechnology, Biosensor, and Microfluidics in Plant Pathogen Detection

    An Integrated Sensing Chip for Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of Plant Pathogens

    Junqi Song, Texas A&M University

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    Towards field-based detection of plant pathogens: antibody, enzyme and RNA detection with optical nanoprobes and resonant sensors

    Nigel Reuel, Iowa State University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Specialty Crop Disease Diagnosis

    Understanding sugarcane soilborne pathogens in Florida

    Katia Xavier, University of Florida; Everglades Research and Education Center, University of Florida

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    Hyperspectral imagery and machine-learning algorithm for discrimination of grapevine trunk diseases from asymptomatic leaves

    Kendra Baumgartner, USDA ARS

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    Generation of two infectious clones and their derived gene silencing vectors to study blackberry yellow vein disease etiology

    Andrea Sierra, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

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    Characterisation and pathogenicity of soilborne pathogens in South African olive orchards

    Chris Spies, Agricultural Research Council-Plant Health and Protection

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    Integrating Culture-Dependent Methods and Molecular Detection to Uncover Cranberry Fruit Rot Fungi in Vegetative Cuttings and Young Beds in Wisconsin

    Ana Vazquez-Catoni, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Viral Disease Detection and Diagnosis

    An AmpliSeq panel for the detection of 197 viruses and viroids across a wide range of crops

    Larissa Carvalho Costa, USDA-APHIS Plant Germplasm Quarantine Program

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    CRISPR-Cas12a based diagnostic method for detecting single-stranded DNA virus, Beet curly top virus in sugar beet

    Vanitharani Ramachandran, USDA-ARS

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    Development and validation of two quadruplex TaqMan real time RT-PCR assays for the detection of the Citrus leprosis virus disease complex.

    Chellappan Padmanabhan, USDA APHIS PPQ, S&T, Plant Pathogen Confirmatory Diagnostics Laboratory

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Engineering Solutions to Forest Pathogen Invasions

    Early Disease Detection and Resistance Phenotyping using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

    Carrie Fearer, Virginia Tech

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    With haste and precision: accelerating the detection of emerging forest pathogens with LAMP and NGS

    Colton Meinecke, University of Georgia

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    Hyperspectral characterization of tree health

    Sylvia Park, Purdue University

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    Using spectroscopy and spatial analysis to improve forest management

    Simone Lim-Hing, University of Georgia

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    SPECIAL SESSION: I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium: Digital Epidemiology: Revolutionizing Plant Disease Surveillance and Management for a More Sustainable World

    Utilizing QGIS in conjunction with whole genome sequencing, phenotyping, and CRISPR profile analysis to track the spread of Erwinia amylovora

    Isabella Yannuzzi, Cornell University

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    Characterizing Tar Spot Epidemics in U.S. Corn: A Medley of Models

    Brenden Lane, Purdue University

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    Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 in Colombia: Translating host connectivity, trade, and stakeholder movement for management strategies

    Jacobo Robledo Buritica, University of Florida

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    Integrating terrestrial and aerial imagery to monitor grapevine downy mildew

    Kathleen Kanaley, Cornell Univeristy

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    Risk assessment models for improved fungicide decisions in winter wheat and a digital tool to improve quantitative synthesis of agricultural research

    Vinicius Castelli Garnica, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Innovative Approaches in Plant Disease Epidemiology: Navigating Challenges in a Technologically Driven Era

    Improving plant disease prediction using ensembles of models

    Laurence Madden, Ohio State University

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    Climate Change and Plant Diseases: Modeling Future Scenarios

    Karen Garrett, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida

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    Sustainable and Technologically Driven Disease Management Strategies: Hyperspectral Imaging Allowing Early Management Intervention

    Kaitlin Gold, Cornell University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Epidemiology

    Synthetic Spike-In Metabarcoding: Diagnostic Breakthrough in the Fusaria

    Peter Oppenheimer, North Carolina State University

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    R2M toolbox for rapid risk assessment supporting mitigation of pathogens and pests: Perspectives on rice health in Nepal

    Ashish Adhikari, Global Food Systems Institute, University of Florida; Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida; University of Florida; Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida

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    Leveraging high throughput sequencing, PCR, and network analysis to resolve spread of viruses among blackberry crops and wild reservoirs

    Wanita Dantes, Clemson University

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    Redefinition of cotton leafroll dwarf virus as an emerging, possibly endemic virus in the United States

    Alejandro Olmedo-Velarde, Cornell University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Population Biology Genetics

    A living phylogeny for tracking global populations of Phytophthora ramorum

    Amanda Mainello-Land, North Carolina State University

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    Fusarium Head Blight poses a new threat to Eastern Africa: examining the pathogen genomics and mycotoxin profiles of the 2022 FHB outbreak.

    Liza DeGenring, University of Minnesota

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    Population dynamics of Exserohilum turcicum affecting maize in Florida

    Vitor S. Moura, Everglades Research and Education Center, University of Florida

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    Genomic Advancements

    SPECIAL SESSION: Genome Edited Disease Resistant Crops: Moving Towards the Market

    All Outcomes are Not Equal: Getting gene edited disease resistance traits to market

    Keith Merrill, Bayer Crop Science

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Genomic Advancements

    Two new potyvirus species infecting Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.)

    Olufemi Alabi, Texas A&M University System

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    Soil protists harbor diverse novel bacteria that encode plant growth-promoting traits

    Ravikumar Patel, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

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    Unraveling the genetic diversity of Magnaporthe oryzae through a graph pangenome approach


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    Data-mining of Pseudomonas syringae genome database reveals unexpected host associations for strains isolated from cucurbits

    Kiersten Fullem, University of Florida

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    Diagnosis of a new Leaf Blight Disease of Wheat caused by Pantoea spp. in the US and insights in the pathogen genome.

    Ahmed Alhusays, Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Sciences, South Dakota State University

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    Molecular and Cellular Plant-Microbe Interactions

    TECHNICAL SESSION: Microbiome/Communities

    Global host-pathogen infection networks in major terrestrial agroecosystems

    Aaron Isaí Plex Sulá, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida; Emerging Pathogens Insitute, University of Florida; Global Food Systems Institute, University of Florida

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    Bad Neighbors: Shifts in the Potato microbial communities during soft rot pathogen infection.

    Sadie Seaman, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department, Penn State University; One Health Microbiome Center, Penn State University

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    Variation of Fall Armyworm Tolerance in Wild Relatives of Maize and Their Correlation with the Host Microbiomes

    Amanda Quattrone, Texas A&M University

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    Examining quantitative host resistance of barley scald within the context of the leaf microbial community

    Lindsey Becker, Oregon State University

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    Innovative soil sampling technology for swift and accurate detection of soybean cyst nematode

    Richard Gonzalez, The Ohio State University

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    Development of a recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of the new root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus dakotaensis on soybean

    Roshan Dhakal, North Dakota State University, Department of Plant Pathology

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    Seasonal Survival of Beech Leaf Disease-Causing Nematodes in Beech Tree Leaf Litter.

    Sophia Suriano, SUNY-ESF; State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

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    Plant Elicitor Peptides and Rhizobacterial Delivery for Nematode Management

    Abeer Alnasrawi, University of Arkansas

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    Oomycetes, Postharvest Pathology, Mycotoxins

    SPECIAL SESSION: Advancing Mycotoxin Management: Innovations and Global Strategies in a Changing Environment

    Climate Change and Mycotoxin Dynamics: Navigating New Challenges

    Joseph Opoku, USDA-ARS

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    International Mycotoxin Management and Detection in the Poultry Industry: Considerations for Diverse Communities

    Anthony Pokoo-Aikins, Toxicology and Mycotoxin Research Unit, USDA-ARS

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    Inter-fungal warfare in the maize kernel: mechanism of pyrrocidine-induced fumonisin elimination

    Lily Lofton, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia; USDA-ARS, Toxicology & Mycotoxin Research Unit

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    Addressing knowledge gaps in disease epidemiology and detection of fungicide resistance in Cercospora leaf blight of soybean

    Stephanie Ramos, Louisiana State University LSU

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    Unveiling the Battle at the Bark: Exploring Prunus Periderm Defense Strategies Against Armillaria

    Pratima Devkota, Michigan State University

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Oomycete Disease Control

    Efficacy of new Oomycota fungicides for management of Phytophthora root and crown rots on sweet cherry in California

    Chaydon O'Fallon, University of California

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    A Landscape Scale SIR Model of the Spread of Cucurbit Downy Mildew in the Eastern United States

    Fangfang Guo, NC State University

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    Harnessing CRISPR Technology for the Accurate Diagnosis of Plant Pathogens: A Proof-of-Concept Study

    Camilo Parada Rojas, Oregon State University

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    Temporal variations in soil microbiota in Phytophthora nicotianae-infested tobacco fields

    Ayodeji Bello, Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech.; School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech.

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    Differential Responses of Cacao Clones to Phytophthora spp: Insights from Germplasm Response to Black Pod Disease

    Mariana Herrera Corzo, University of Florida

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    Regulatory Plant Pathology

    HOT TOPIC: The Role of Plant Health in the National Climate Change Roadmap

    Overview of the National Roadmap for Climate Research

    Jan Leach, Colorado State University

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    A Funding Agency’s Approach to Addressing Climate Change

    Rubella Goswami, USDA-NIFA

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    Open Discussion: Gaps and Future Climate Change Research Directions to Protect Plant Health

    Karen Garrett, University of Florida

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    SPECIAL SESSION: There is Nothing Permanent Except Change: An Exploration of How the Endangered Species Act will Change Fungicide Registrations and Applications

    Industry Perspectives on the Endangered Species Act

    F.P. Wong, Bayer CropScience LP

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    APS strategy discussion & working session

    Madeline Wade, The Brumidi Group

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    Boots on the ground experience with weed science issues and the ESA

    Larry Steckel, The University of Tennessee

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    USDA Perspectives on ESA Mitigation: Where We've Been and Where It's Headed

    Elyssa Arnold, USDA

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    HOT TOPIC: Reviewing a Manuscript 101

    Reviewing a Manuscript 101

    Kerik Cox, Cornell University

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    Phytopathologist of Distinction (POD) Talks

    Reflections on a Rewarding Plant Pathology Career

    Krishna Subbarao, University of California—Davis

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    Plant Pathology: An Accidental Journey of Discovery, Service, and Gratitude

    Lindsey du Toit, Washington State University

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    From molecules to ecology: My lifelong efforts to avoid getting so focused on the trees that I can't see the foreset

    Pierluigi Bonello, The Ohio State University

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    My Circuitous Journey to Plant Pathology

    Bonnie Ownley, University of Tennessee

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Agrosecurity in a Global Economy: Careers to Protect Plant Health and Secure our Future

    USDA APHIS Efforts and Needs in Plant Biosecurity and Emergency Management

    Colin Stewart, USDA APHIS

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    Department of Defense Efforts and Needs in Agricultural Biosecurity and Program Management

    William Miller, US Army Environmental Command

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Hands-on Approaches for Teaching Plant Pathology to Undergraduates in Generation Z

    Teaching Plant Virology as a CURE at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution - Virtual Speaker

    Alma Laney, Utah Valley University

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    The Five Senses and Fungi: Furnishing Food in Front of Future Plant Pathologists

    Robert Hirsch, University of Kentucky

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    SPECIAL SESSION: Plant Pathologists of the Future: Showcasing Graduate Student Presentation Winners from APS Division Meetings

    Optimizing a mobile spore trapping system for detection of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, causal agent of cucurbit downy mildew.

    Mariana Prieto Torres, North Carolina State University

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    Will disease impact the expansion of rhubarb production in the Northeast?

    Elizabeth Indermaur, Cornell University

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    Evolutionary conservatism in Botryosphaeriaceae host range provides insights into pathogen spread and emergence

    Isidora Silva-Valderrama, University of British Columbia

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    Introgression and Identification of 3 Major Loci for Robust Resistance against Septoria Leaf Spot (SLS) in Tomato

    Inty Hernandez, West Virginia University

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    Investigating the Effect of a Putatively Suppressive Soil on Phymatotrichopsis omnivora in Texas

    Maxwell Sturdivant, Texas A&M University

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    Uncovering the Infection Strategy of Phyllachora maydis During Maize Colonization

    Denise Caldwell, Purdue University - Botany and Plant Pathology

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    SPECIAL SESSION: To AI or Not to AI: The Future of Educational Outreach and Extension in Modern Times

    Will AI change Extension and Diagnostics?

    Jay Pscheidt, Oregon State University

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    Ethical Considerations of AI Incorporation in Extension & Research- Insights from Philosophy of Applied Sciences

    Julia Bursten, University of Kentucky

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    Funding opportunities in the AI space *Virtual Speaker*

    Steven Thomson, USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

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    TECHNICAL SESSION: Teaching & Learning

    A syllabus renewal quest to conquer a ‘wee beastie’ in plant disease epidemiology and disease management

    Lisa Rothmann, University of the Free State

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    Plant pathology behind bars: how I fell in love with teaching

    Elizabeth Indermaur, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell AgriTech; Cornell Prison Education Program

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    Disease Control in a Triangle: A Look into Industry's Role as a Partner in IPM

    Erica Fealko, BioWorks

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    Exploring the Impact of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) on Student Scientific Skills and Career Aspirations

    Jose Pablo Dundore-Arias, California State University, Monterey Bay

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    Fostering Research in Graduate Teaching: The Excitement of Transforming Theoretical Foundations into Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Mohammad Arif, University of Hawaii at Manoa

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    SPECIAL SESSION: With ​Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Challenges and Ramifications of Using High Throughput Sequencing for Virus Discovery

    Distilling signal from noise: Challenges in identifying authentic viral hits in HTS data

    Rachelle Bester, Citrus Research International

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    From publication to policy: The role of disease reporting in informing regulations

    Lindsey Thiessen, USDA APHIS PPQ S&T

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    Two Arginine rich cell penetrating peptides serve as nuclear membrane penetrating signals when expressed from the Citrus tristeza virus vector.

    Choaa Amine El-Mohtar, University of Florida, CREC

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    Characterizing genetic diversity in Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni-associated bacteriophage across temporal scales

    Katherine D'Amico-Willman, North Carolina State University

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    Managing Sweetpotato Seed Degeneration at the Lake Zone Tanzania: Farmers’ Experiences, Actions and Seed Sourcing Strategies

    Kwame Ogero, International Potato Center

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    Abiotic Disorders

    P-001: Cold damage inhibition of ‘Fuji’ apple blossoms by Bacillus velezensis MWS28 in Korea
    Soh-Young Oh, Hankyong National University
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    P-003: Characterizing Core and Unique Calcite Dissolving Bacteria Communities: Insights into Calcium Availability for Peanut Production.
    Alan Peper, Oregon State University
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    Biological Control

    P-006: Removal and Analysis of American Chestnut Stands Infected with Cryphonectria parasitica and Treated with Super Donor C. parasitica strains
    Danielle Mikolajewski, West Virginia University
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    P-007: Greenhouse and field evaluation of native Trichoderma species for biocontrol on tomato in Florida
    Andrea Karina Suazo Tejada, Gulf Coast Research and Education Ctr, University of Florida
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    P-010: Formulation of a Foliar Spray Prescription with Sulfide to Manage Melon Fusarium Wilt
    Chien Hao Chai, Academy of Circular Economy, NCHU
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    P-011: RejuAgro A: A Novel Antimicrobial Compound Controls the Fire Blight’s “Flames” in Apples
    Ton Nu Bao Vy Huyen, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
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    P-012: RejuAgro A: A Novel Metabolite as a Sustainable Strategy for Huanglongbing and Citrus Canker Control
    Shreyashi Mitra, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
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    P-013: A match made in (tree-of-)heaven: Biological control of the invasive Ailanthus altissima
    Harrison Miles, Virginia Tech
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    P-015: Production of 2-phenylethanol by Lelliottia nimipressuralis inhibits growth of the fungal phytopathogen Colletotrichum dematium
    John Srok, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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    P-016: Optimizing the Efficacy of Beneficial Bacteria Against Botrytis Blight Disease in Petunias
    Sachin Naik, The Ohio State University
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    P-017: Sweet orange essential oil-based chitosan emulsions against corn seed-borne pathogens
    Marina Zacharias, Iowa State University
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    P-018: Survey of potential fungal antagonists of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on Coffea arabica in Hawai‘i, USA
    Lisa Keith, USDA Agricultural Research Service
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    P-019: Biorational Approaches for Apple Bitter Rot Control: Insights from in vitro and in planta Assessments on Colletotrichum Species in Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Matheus Borba, Virginia Tech
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    P-020: Usage patterns for biological nematicides in California
    Becky Westerdahl, University of California, Davis
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    P-026: RNA-Sequencing-Based Virus Discovery in Florida Citrus Pests
    Kellee Britt-Ugartemendia, University of Florida
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    P-029: Antagonistic activity of rhizosphere bacterial community against corn pathogens
    Pranaya Kaki, University of Minnesota
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    P-030: Defining secondary metabolites in Pseudomonas protegens PBL3 secretome with antagonistic activity against Burkholderia glumae.
    Shilu Dahal, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska
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    P-035: Assessing the Efficacy of Trichoderma spp. as Biocontrol Agents in Mitigating Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol Accumulation in Wheat
    Halil Polat, Southern Illinois University
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    P-036: New tools for a warming world: determining the antifungal effect of essential oils on the charcoal rot pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina
    Alexandra Starkey, Iowa State University
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    P-037: No laughing matter: Examining the potential of biological control agent, Trichoderma strain T22, in fungal nitrous oxide emission mitigation
    Tammy Stackhouse, University of Georgia
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    P-038: Growth inhibition of Select Fusarium spp. as affected by BCA3G1 cell-free filtrate
    Ma. Theresa Jonna Atienza-Parcon, Southern Illinois University
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    P-042: Influence of bacterial metabolites from entomopathogenic nematode antagonism against Meloidogyne javanica in tomato under greenhouse conditions
    Ganpati Jagdale, University of Georgia
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    P-046: Assessment of beneficial bacteria with antagonistic activity against pathogens affecting walnut
    Ernesto Moya-Elizondo, Universidad de Concepción
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    P-048: Induction of defense and biocontrol of powdery mildew on grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L.) using Pseudomonas protegens.
    Braulio Ruiz, Universidad de Concepción
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    P-050: Anti-biofilm enzyme as an alternative to pear fire blight management
    Joseph Deshields, Oregon State University
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    P-051: Harnessing antimicrobial peptides for effective control of bacterial diseases.
    Luis De Luna, University of California Riverside
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    P-052: Exploring wheat genotype influence on microbiome-mediated take-all disease suppression
    Melissa Vergara, Oregon State University
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    Chemical and Biopesticide Control

    P-059: Developing a tree injection management tool for beech leaf disease using thiabendazole
    Matthew Borden, Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories
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    P-062: Preventative or curative: How to approach fire blight management
    Joseph Deshields, Oregon State University
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    P-064: Evaluation of Fungicides for the Management of Vascular Streak Dieback in Redbud
    Fulya Baysal-Gurel, Tennessee State University
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    P-065: Management of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss), the causal agent of bacterial blight on lilac
    Cansu Oksel, Tennessee State University
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    P-068: Assessing Novel Strategies for Apple Shoot Blight and Fire Blight Canker Control
    Matheus Borba, Virginia Tech
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    P-069: Nanosheets and adjuvants enhanced the effectiveness of dsRNA in suppressing soybean fungal diseases
    Sunira Marahatta, Louisiana State University
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    P-070: In-vitro fungicide efficacy on fungal isolates recovered from Mississippi soybean seed
    Subina Tripathi, Mississippi state university
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    P-072: Missouri On-Farm Strip Trials: 6-Year Summary of Soybean Response to R3 Foliar Fungicide Applications
    Feyisayo Akande, University of Missouri
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    P-076: Biology, Management, and Breeding for Septoria Leaf Spot-Resistant Hemp
    Jocelyn Schwartz, Cornell University
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    P-077: Screening antibiotics for phytotoxicity & potential to control Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, bacterial agent of Huanglongbing, in Florida citrus
    Lauren Fessler, University of Florida
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    P-078: Comparative Assessment of new Fungicides for Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Management in Wheat
    Isaack Kikway, The Ohio State University
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    P-081: Curative activity of fungicides used to manage frogeye leaf spot of soybean in Virginia.
    Mychele Batista da Silva, Virginia Tech
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    P-083: Development and validation of qPCR assays for diagnosis of the select agent pathogen Coniothyrium glycines, causal agent of red leaf blotch of soybean
    Kurt Zeller, USDA-APHIS-PPQ S&T
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    P-085: Glomerella leaf spot of apple: Evaluating SAR activators and a survey of associated Colletotrichum species in Georgia commercial orchards
    Jonathan Henson, University of Georgia
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    P-086: Effect of succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide seed treatments on red crown rot of soybean
    Kelsey Mehl, University of Kentucky
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    P-089: “Firing Back:” Novel Management Tools for Apple Shoot Blight and Cankers caused by Erwinia amylovora
    Nathanial Boeckman, Virginia Tech
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    P-090: "Bioinspired Peptide Fungicides: Investigating the Antifungal Mechanisms of the Plant Defensin MtDef5B-Derived Peptide and Its Variants"
    Raviraj Kalunke, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
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    P-092: The Effectiveness and Impact of Seed Treatments on Cotton Seedling Disease Complex in Arkansas
    Mariana Araujo Alves Gomes de Souza, Michigan State University
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    P-094: Developing a fungicide-based program to manage frogeye leaf spot of soybean in Ohio
    Fabiano Colet, Ohio State University
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    P-097: A new application for an established tool: Flutriafol as a systemic fungicide for trees and shrubs
    Blake Thilmony, Rainbow Ecoscience
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    P-099: The effect of Anti-biofilm enzyme for apple fire blight management
    Srdjan Acimovic, Virginia Tech
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    P-100: Efficacy of fungicidal canopy sprays for management of Cytospora canker on peaches in Western Colorado
    Jilly Sal Greenberger, Colorado State University
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    P-101: National Cotton Seed Treatment
    Lucas Ughini Marques, The University of Tennessee
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    P-103: Evaluation of insecticide and fungicide combinations against grape sour rot in Virginia
    Mizuho Nita, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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    Cultural Control

    P-106: Legacy effects of cover crops on the soybean rhizosphere microbiome and soybean resistance to soilborne pathogens
    Chuntao Yin, USDA-ARS
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    P-107: Seedling root treatment with an endophyte Pseudomonas fluorescence strain 9704 for deployment in large grower fields
    Anil Kotasthane, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
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    P-108: Effects of steaming on plant growth and microbial survival and physiological activity in potting mixes.
    Wolfgang Schweigkofler, Dominican University of California
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    P-109: Solarization of Kentucky High Tunnels for Management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
    April Lamb, University Of Kentucky
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    P-110: Comparing the effects of crop residue and hybrid resistance on gray leaf spot severity, caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis, in Kentucky corn.
    William Barlow, University of Kentucky
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    P-111: Effect of Abiotic Stresses on Macrophomina Rot Root Development in California Strawberry
    Marina Gutierrez, Cal Poly Strawberry Center
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    P-113: Impact of cover crop termination timing on in-season Pythium load and corn plant performance
    Madeline Henrickson, University of Delaware
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    P-120: From seed to shining seedling: the soil steaming effects on spermosphere assembly and plant health
    Logan Luchs, Auburn University
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    P-121: Twenty years (2004-2024) of a long-term potato cropping systems management study: highlights and trends
    Robert Larkin, USDA ARS, NEPSWL
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    P-122: Integrating anaerobic soil disinfestation into high tunnel tomato production in Ohio
    Manisha Hamal, The Ohio State University
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    P-123: Effect of soil nitrogen levels on wheat streak mosaic virus symptom expression and physiology in wheat plants
    Thomas Wilbur Davis, University of Nebraska -Lincoln
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    P-124: Impacts of different carbon sources utilized in anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) on blueberry plant health, growth, and fruit characteristics
    Chaitanya Lakshmi Muraka, University of Georgia
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    Disease Detection and Diagnosis

    P-125: Host Specificity and Characterization of Downy Mildew Causing Pathogens on Brassica Species in the Central Coast of California
    Kallol Das, California Polytechnic State University
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    P-127: Cross-pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae spp. from different fruit hosts in wood cutting and green shoots of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in Chile
    Gonzalo Diaz, Universidad de Talca
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    P-128: Optimization of Antibodies for Immunocapture qPCR Testing of Dormant Potato Tubers for PVY
    Heidi Falzon, Agdia, Inc.
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    P-129: Detection and Seed Transmission of Maize chlorotic mottle virus in Surface-disinfested Maize Seeds
    Palloma Indiara Caproni Morais, Iowa State University
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    P-130: Development of a recombinase polymerase amplification assay for detection of Botrytis cinerea in fruit, vegetable, and soil samples
    Bryant Davenport, Agdia, Inc.
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    P-132: Occurrence of fungal plant pathogens in sweetpotato production in Uganda, Africa
    Carlos Morales, North Carolina State University
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    P-134: Development of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay to detect Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporiodes in strawberry nurseries.
    Andrew Richards, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis
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    P-135: Identification and Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae Fungi Associated with Avocado Branch Canker Disease in Southern California
    Valentina Valencia Bernal, Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology University of California, Riverside
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    P-136: Monitoring of Viruses Associated with Yellow Dwarfing Symptoms in Volunteer Barley (H. vulgare) from Minnesota Utilizing High-Throughput Sequencing
    Ronan Keener, University of Minnesota
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    P-140: Test performance study validation of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) diagnostic assay for Phytophthora ramorum
    Bryant Davenport, Agdia Inc
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    P-141: Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in a Mexican tomato growing region
    Kimberly Montalban, North Carolina State University
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    P-142: Boosting agricultural economy and laboratory efficiency: molecular diagnostics solutions for Phytoplasma disease management
    Daniela Torres Campana, Promega Corporation
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    P-143: A new flexible scope in proficiency testing: the PPQ PPDCP interpretive proficiency test
    Geoffrey Dennis, United States Department of Agriculture
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    P-144: Identification and characterization of fungal pathogens causing cankers of redbud trees in Tennessee
    Pratima Subedi, Tennessee State University
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    P-145: Isolation & Characterization of a Pectobacterium Isolate from a Radish (Raphanus sativus) Root in Hawai'i.
    Eiren Phoebe Tamayo, Leeward Community College
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    P-146: Targeting agricultural threats: advanced molecular detection for managing critical plant pathogens
    Daniela Torres Campana, Promega Corporation
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    P-148: Development and application of species-specific qPCR primers to identify and quantify Pratylenchus spp. in Pennsylvania agronomic production systems
    Savannah Wolfe, Pennsylvania State University
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    P-149: Genetic incongruity in the genomes of dahlia mosaic virus and dahlia common mosaic virus
    Prabu Gnanasekaran, Washington State University
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    P-152: Detection of potato rugose stunting virus using high-throughput sequencing and a multiplex two-step RT-PCR assay for testing imported potato germplasm
    Marco Galvez Gargurevich, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-FO Plant Germplasm Quarantine Program
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    P-154: Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Asian citrus psyllid monitoring in commercial citrus groves in Georgia
    Carlton Collins, University of Georgia
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    P-155: Pathogens Associated with Crown Rot of Corn in the U.S. Corn Belt
    Chikoti Mukuma, University of Nebraska, Department of Plant Pathology
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    P-156: New method development for the detection of High Plains wheat mosaic virus on corn for seed health testing
    Alejandra Ahumada, Bayer Crop Science
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    P-157: Survey of fungal disease presence in wheat residue and air samples
    Ciera Kotaska, South Dakota State University
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    P-159: Improved Virus Detection Procedures for Strawberry Certification Programs
    Daniel Fager, Oregon State University
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    P-162: Molecular and Morphological Identification of Colletotrichum Species Causing Anthracnose in Southern California Avocados
    Valentina Valencia Bernal, Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology University of California, Riverside
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    P-163: Detection of multiple types of microbial plant pathogens using RNA-seq
    Xiaojun Hu, USDA-APHIS Plant Germplasm Quarantine Program
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    P-165: Detection and quantification of Ascochyta rabiei from seed
    Marie Dorval, Montana State University
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    P-167: Development of a CRISPR/SHERLOCK-based method for the detection of six regulated viroids
    Ying Zhai, Washington State University
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    P-171: Wildfire smoke in a One Health framework: Network analysis to disentangle fungal-bacterial microbiome complexity and predict pathogen associations.
    Ashish Adhikari, Global Food Systems Institute, University of Florida
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    P-173: Diagnostic Assay Validation Network Year 2: Validation tools and resources for better diagnostics
    Poonam Sharma, Oklahoma State University
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    P-175: Unraveling The Microbial Diversity of Wild and Managed Cranberry Ecosystems in Relation to Cranberry Fruit Rot in Massachusetts
    Salisu Sulley, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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    P-176: Developing a highly sensitive molecular method to detect, discriminate and quantify Erwinia amylovora bacteria
    Alexander Tako, North Carolina State University - Department of Genetics
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    P-177: Developing a Multiplex PCR Assay to Detect Pythium spp. Associated with Pythium Wilt of Lettuce
    Patrick Broderick, Department of Biology and Chemistry, California State University, Monterey Bay
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    P-181: Metagenomic Detection and Genomic Analysis of Oomycetes Causing Root Rot of Woody Ornamental Plants
    Rachel Capouya, The Ohio State University
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    Emerging Technologies

    P-185: Evaluation of the effect of Macrophomina phaseolina on soybean using hyperspectral spectroscopy
    Kaveh Javanshirjavid, Southern Illinois University
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    P-189: Using a computational approach to study QoI resistance in cercospora spp.
    Wesley Bills, Iowa State University Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiolog
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    P-190: Early Detection of Anthracnose Fruit Rot Disease Using Aerial Multispectral Imagery in a Strawberry Production System
    Baker Aljawasim, Virginia Tech
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    P-191: Are You Tired of ImageJ?
    Luke Warner, University of Kentucky
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    P-197: Making sense out of noise: Predicting and explaining growers’ inputs and costs in response to disease
    Jae Young Hwang, USDA
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    P-198: Tracking the movement and risk of tar spot (Phyllachora maydis) of corn in Indiana from 2015 to 2022
    K. Morgan Goodnight, Purdue University
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    P-201: Causal Inference Application: Evaluating Planting Date Recommendation Effects on Soybean Yield
    Santosh Sanjel, Pennsylvania State University
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    P-202: Comparing Spore Detection Methods with Foliar Fungal Disease Ratings in Winter Wheat across Field Sites in Montana
    Linda Hebb, Montana State University
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    P-204: Into the weeds: response of Plantago rugelii to variation in temperature and powdery mildew exposure in common gardens across an urbanization gradient
    Cheyenne Morris, Washington University in St. Louis
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    P-205: Network analysis of Neopestalotiopsis sp. spread from nurseries to strawberry farms in Florida, USA.
    Galvin Alonzo, University of Florida - Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
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    P-211: Using EDDMapS for Nematode Analysis and Data Collection Within Tennessee
    Amanda Blazek, University of Tennessee
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    P-212: Disaster plant pathology: smart solutions for threats to global plant health from natural and human-driven disasters
    Romaric Armel Mouafo Tchinda, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida
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    P-213: Predictive Model to Link N Fertilization with Fungal Plant Pathogen Proliferation and Disease Severity
    Abdalla Mohamed, University of Connecticut
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    P-216: Pathogen and pest risk across climate gradients in the Great Lakes region of Africa for banana, cassava, potato, and sweetpotato
    Romaric Armel Mouafo Tchinda, Global Food Systems Institute, University of Florida
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    P-219: Developing a grape downy mildew risk assessment system using open resources
    Mizuho Nita, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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    Fungicide or Antibiotic Resistance

    P-221: Panic in Midwest Orchards! Characterizing Streptomycin Resistance in Iowa Erwinia amylovora Isolates
    Sophia Schmidt, Iowa State University
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    P-224: Phylogenetic analysis and fungicide sensitivity of Plasmopara viticola in Taiwan
    Chao-Feng Tai, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, National Taiwan University
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    P-225: Evolutionary insights into chromosomally encoded copper resistance in Xanthomonas perforans
    Amandeep Kaur, University of Florida
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    P-226: First Report of QoI-Fungicide Resistant Isolates of Cercospora Associated with Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean in Oklahoma
    Maira Duffeck, Oklahoma State University
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    P-228: Identification of copper-tolerance among Xanthomonas campestris strains from brassica fields in Florida reveals a potential trade-off in virulence
    Renzo Ramirez, University of Florida
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    P-229: Evaluating the sensitivity of Phaeocytostroma ambiguum to fungicides used in commercial seed treatments on corn.
    Daniel Kimtai, Iowa State University
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    P-231: Signatures of multiple fungicide resistance patterns in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry and lettuce in the Philippines
    Leilani Dacones, University of the Philippines Diliman
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    P-235: Sensitivity of Geotrichum candidum from commercial peach farms to DMI fungicides and investigation of resistance mechanisms
    Jhulia Gelain, Clemson University
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    P-237: Detection of novel Sdh gene mutations in Alternaria solani conferring reduced sensitivity to SDHI fungicides.
    Sunil Shrestha, Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University
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    P-238: Identification and characterization of Alternaria spp. isolates associated with blueberry fruit rot in Georgia
    Mirza Beg, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia
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    P-240: Shifts in fungicide sensitivity of Botrytis spp. isolates from highbush blueberry fields are limited within and across seasons
    Mary Steele, Washington State University
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    P-241: Characterization of the Sensitivity of Lettuce-associated Pythium species to Mefenoxam and Phosphoric Acid
    Keeliah Keelan, California State University, Monterey Bay
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    P-242: Cross-resistance between the biorational fungicide Howler® and the synthetic fungicide fludioxonil in B. cinerea
    Johanna Wesche, Clemson University
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    Genetics of Resistance

    P-247: Identification of Blast Resistance QTLs in Black Hull Awn Weedy rice (RR14) and Aus-196 Rice Variety.
    Aron Osakina, USDA ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center
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    P-251: Genetics of novel rust resistance in the common bean cultivar Compuesto Negro Chimaltenango (CNC)
    Giseli Valentini, North Dakota State University
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    P-253: Association analyses uncover avirulence gene candidates in a sexually recombining population of the wheat stem rust pathogen
    Molly Veregge, University of Minnesota
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    P-254: Identifying the Genetics Underpinnings and Pre-Breeding for Robust Resistance Against Septoria Leaf Spot (SLS) in Tomato
    Inty Hernandez, West Virginia University
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    P-255: Extreme Phenotype GWAS identifies variants associated with resistance to Aphanomyces cochlioides in sugar beet
    Samantha Rude, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
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    P-256: Exploring the origin and evolution of Cercospora beticola resistance gene BvCR4 in geographically diverse populations of wild sea beet.
    Ana Martinez, NDSU
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    P-258: Unraveling the role of Dhurrin in Sorghum’s Response to Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. reilianum Infection.
    Coumba Fall, Texas A&M University
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    P-259: Genome-wide association mapping for stripe rust resistance loci in global spring barley germplasm
    Arjun Upadhaya, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University
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    P-261: Safeguarding Rice: Understanding WRKY transcription factors for stress resilience in rice
    Kamal Neupane, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
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    P-263: Genome wide Association Analysis reveals Novel Candidate Genes Associated with Resistance to Verticillium dahliae race 3 in Tomato.
    Anju Pandey, North Carolina State University
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    Host Resistance

    P-266: Deciphering Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Aggressiveness to Develop Crop
    Hsuan Fu Wang, University of Minnesota
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    P-270: Pumpkin Cultivars Vary in their Susceptibility to Plectosporium Blight
    Steven Rideout, Virginia Tech
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    P-271: Molecular Mapping of the Stem Rust Resistance Gene Rpg8 in Barley
    Oadi Matny, University of Minnesota
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    P-272: The Role of Plant Hydraulics in Tomato Defense against Ralstonia solanacearum.
    Sana Mohammad, Purdue University
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    P-274: Responses of wheat constitutively expressing monolignol biosynthetic genes to Fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum
    Deanna Funnell-Harris, USDA-ARS
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    P-275: Elucidating the genetics of resistance in susceptible durum wheat “Rusty”
    Nisha Paneru Regmi, University of Minnesota
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    P-277: Fine Mapping of the novel anthracnose resistance gene on Pv10 in the common bean landrace KRC-5
    Irtifa Lateef, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar.
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    P-278: Exploring the potential influence of host genetics on the development of soils that suppress Fusarium crown rot of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    Hayley Park, Oregon State University
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    P-280: Characterization of resistance to blackleg derived from PI 633120 from Brassica napus
    Dua'a Alsalman, North Dakota State University
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    P-282: Investigation of the Genomic Architecture Underlying the Disease Resistance of a Rice Mutant Line, LM-1, to Bacterial Panicle Blight
    Jong Hyun Ham, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
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    P-283: CRISPR-CAS9 editing of NPR3 confers potato resistance to Candidatus Liberibacter spp.
    Manikandan Ramasamy, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center
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    P-284: Leaf pubescence: possible trait for evaluating the susceptibility of cotton genotypes to the whitefly (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) vector of begomoviruses
    John O. Oladokun, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center
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    P-288: Developing a transgenic canola plant resistant to Sclerotinia stem rot by expression of hpRNA of four genes
    Abdolbaset Azizi, North Dakota State University
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    P-291: From field to can: assessing processing pumpkin breeding lines for disease resistance and canning quality
    Elizabeth Indermaur, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell AgriTech
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    P-293: Screening for new sources of resistance to hemp powdery mildew in diverse Cannabis sativa germplasm
    Lucía Vignale Alcarraz, Cornell University
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    P-294: Evaluation of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L) Plant Introduction lines for resistance against emerging criniviruses.
    Sudeep Bag, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia
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    P-295: Bacterial Leaf Streak Disease Resistance Loci Identification in Winter Wheat
    Muhammad Ahmad, Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, South Dakota State University
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    P-297: Evaluation of host resistance to Macrophomina root rot and Verticillium wilt in strawberry
    Joseph Ramirez, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
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    P-298: Evaluating the relationship between Sclerotinia stem rot, light, and soybean architecture to better manage disease through microclimate alterations
    Alisha Mildenberger, University of Minnesota
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    P-300: Mixed viral infection in pepper plants affecting Argentinian production
    Pedro Balatti, Centro de Investigaciones de Fitopatologia
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    P-301: A Complex Association of Tomato Chlorosis Virus and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus in Cultivated Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in the Southern USA.
    Sudeep Bag, University of Georgia
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    P-303: You never walk alone: Inoculating wheat with both a biotroph and a necrotroph
    Andrea Ficke, NIBIO Plant Health
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    Integrated Disease Management

    P-309: Addition of nanofertilizers in combination with ILEVO helps in SDS management and increasing yield in soybean
    Nabin Dangal, Iowa State University
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    P-310: Enhancing Organic Acorn Squash Resilience with Mesotunnel Production Systems
    Kaitlin Diggins, Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell University
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    P-311: Disease Identification and Management in Cold-hardy Interspecific Hybrid Grapevines
    Brooke Dietsch, Iowa State University
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    P-312: Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy and Host Resistance for the Management of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat in Delaware
    Shiv Singla, University of Delaware
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    P-315: Combination of Biologicals and Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Provide Excellent Control of Verticillium Wilt of Okra
    Mahfuz Rahman, West Virginia University
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    P-318: Two-year evaluation of the impact of cultivar selection on areolate mildew and target spot on Alabama cotton
    Karamjit Baryah, Auburn University
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    P-322: Efficacy of Fungicide Treatments for Managing Fusarium Head Blight and Foliar Diseases Using On-Farm Participatory Methods.
    Olanrewaju Shittu, Penn State University
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    P-324: Anaerobic soil disinfestation and beneficial bacterial treatment effects on strawberry fruit rot diseases and yield in plasticulture production system
    Baker Aljawasim, Virginia Tech
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    Late Breaking

    P-526: Evaluation of camellia cultivars and selections for growth and disease resistance in Tennessee, USA
    Madhav Parajuli, USDA
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    P-530: Outbreak of wheat spike diseases in south of Brazil: is the problem becoming worse? The case of wheat blast.
    Flavio Santana, Embrapa
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    P-531: Hampering cannabis pathogens can start here: Join our efforts to report and map the occurrence and distribution of cannabis pathogens in the U.S.
    Misbakhul Munir, University of Kentucky
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    P-532: Genetic mapping of loci conferring resistance to Septoria leaf spot in tomato
    Muhammad Irfan Siddique, North Carolina State Univ
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    P-535: Agrobacterium-mediated Cuscuta campestris transformation as a tool for understanding plant-plant interactions
    Supral Adhikari, University of Missouri-Columbia
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    P-543: Genetic traits of Pseudomonas alliivorans strains isolated from plants in the Southeastern United States
    Michelle Pena, University of Georgia
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    P-544: Field evaluation of antioxidants and immunoregulators for citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) disease management
    Jinyun Li, University of Florida
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    P-545: Interaction between Avocado Varieties and Storage Duration on Severity of Body Rot, Stem End Rot, and Vascular Streaking During Postharvest
    Boris Camiletti, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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    P-546: Aggressiveness of peanut smut in susceptible peanut cultivars
    Juan Paredes, University of Illinois
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    P-547: Identification of biotic agents associated with chickpea yellowing syndrome (CYS) in Argentina
    Bruno Pugliese, UIUC
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    P-548: Revisiting Fusarium oxysporum Epidemiology: Airborne Dispersal of Spores May be More Common than Thought
    Gabriel Sacher, The Pennsylvania State University
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    P-551: Addressing Tomato Disease Management Challenges in Puerto Rico: Insights from a Grower Survey and TomSPOT
    Ermita Hernandez, University of Puerto Rico
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    P-552: The impact of different biological control agents (BCAs) on brown rot development and MfCYP51 expression in Monilinia fructicola
    Peishan Wu, Clemson University
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    P-553: Drought severity alters the diversity and composition of root bacterial communities but not plant aboveground biomass
    Xiomy Pinchi Davila, University of Georgia
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    P-556: CLB knowledge hub: Developing online tools to integrate and disseminate information on Cercospora Leaf Blight management across the mid-Southern U.S.
    Jonathan Amie, LSU AgCenter
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    P-557: Overexpression of α-SNAPRhg1 improves rhg1-a mediated resistance to soybean cyst nematode
    Deepak Haarith, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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    P-561: CRISPR Crafted: Developing Cutting-Edge Tools to Engineer Powdery Mildew Resistance in Hop
    Michele Wiseman, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University
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    P-565: Mapping quantitative trait loci for Rhizoctonia large patch resistance in zoysiagrass
    Bikash Ghimire, University of Georgia
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    P-566: Cold temperature and water effect on Fusarium graminearum and emergence of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr]
    Shashini Neththasinghe, The Ohio State University
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    P-569: Developing tools to monitor fungicide resistance among Cercospora leaf blight pathogens of soybean across the mid-south U.S.
    Abdulkadir Dalha, Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology Department, LSU AgCenter
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    P-572: Unraveling the genetic basis of septoria nodorum blotch sensitivity in hard winter wheat
    Anju Maan Ara, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University
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    P-575: Maize Defense: Exploring Systemic Response to Southern Leaf Blight.
    Diana Ramirez Segovia, North Carolina State University
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    P-579: Molecular Characterization of New Antimicrobial Peptide from Zanthoxylum martinicense for Controlling Citrus Greening in Valencia Orange.
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    P-581: Global proactive surveillance and mitigation strategies for laurel wilt under climate change
    Romaric Armel Mouafo Tchinda, Global Food Systems Institute, University of Florida
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    P-584: Developing a high-throughput microtiter assay for evaluating fungicide resistance in Cercospora isolates
    Beatriz Carvalho, Louisiana State University
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    P-585: Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Strawberry Rhizosphere in Soil amended with Sorghum Sudangrass or Wheat Bran during Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation
    Wilson Ouma, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee
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    P-586: Competency of two geographically distinct thrips populations in the acquisition of Impatiens necrotic spot virus
    Viviana Camelo, USDA-ARS
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    P-588: Sensitivity of Geotrichum candidum, the causal agent of sour rot of peach, against five demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides
    Bingyu Zhao, Clemson University
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    P-589: Characterization of the soybean Rpp7 locus that confers resistance against Phakopsora pachyrhizi
    Nicole Thunes, USDA ARS FDWSRU
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    P-590: Exploring the use of multi-source models to accurately predict tar spot of corn
    Mariela Fernández-Campos, Purdue University
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    P-593: Emergence of QoI Fungicide Resistance in the Chickpea Blight Pathogen Ascochyta rabiei in the Pacific Northwest
    Alexandra Zvenigorodsky, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University
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    P-596: De novo assembly of Clarireedia monteithiana genome causing dollar spot in warm-season turfgrass
    Bikash Ghimire, University of Georgia
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    P-597: Implementing organically-acceptable alternatives to soil pesticides - what can be learned from the desert southwest USA experience?
    James Stapleton, University of California, Kearney Agricultural Center
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    P-601: HAP3, a component of the CCAAT-binding complex of Phomopsis longicolla, regulates pathogenesis during infection of soybean
    Burton Bluhm, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
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    P-602: Efficacy of two registered atoxigenic strain biocontrol products to displace aflatoxin producing fungi in commercial pistachio orchards in California
    Themis Michailides, University of California - Davis
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    P-604: Novel diseases affecting hemp production in Arkansas
    Kona Swift, University of Arkansas
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    Microbial Communities

    P-332: Exploring the interactions between, and spread of, viruses and bacterial pathogens in peach orchards over time.
    Daniela Negrete-Moreno, Clemson University
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    P-333: Demulticoder: An R package for the integrated analysis of multiplex metabarcodes
    Martha Sudermann, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University
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    P-335: The Antibiotic Paradox in Citrus: Unveiling Links Between Dysbiosis, Plant Physiology, and Metabolism.
    Toi Ketehouli, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida
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    P-338: Unraveling the impact of turfgrass management on microbial communities in Wisconsin
    Maria Proaño Cuenca, University of Wisconsin
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    P-339: Bacterial contamination of raw diffusion juice from factory processing of sugarbeet
    Malick Bill, North Dakota State University
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    P-340: Developing a flexible bioinformatics pipeline for studying soil microbial activity
    Phillip Miller, Arkansas State University
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    P-341: Identification and characterization of suppressive soil microbiome against soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) in North Dakota
    Roshan Dhakal, North Dakota State University
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    P-345: Foliar Microbial Communities and Beech Leaf Disease
    Allison Humbert, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
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    P-347: Overcoming challenges in RNA Preparation for Comprehensive metatranscriptomic profiling of soybean rhizosphere
    Kipa Tamrakar, Arkansas State University
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    P-349: Impact of different water sources on hydroponic systems and roots microbiomes
    Cecilia Chagas de Freitas, The Ohio State University
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    P-353: The American grape terroir: Influence of agricultural management on the phytobiome
    Elsa Petit, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
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    Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

    P-355: What Makes a Pathogen? Uncovering the Determinants of Pathogenicity in Colleotrichum tofieldiae
    Jacy Newfeld, University of Tokyo
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    P-356: The Fusarium graminearum effector protease FgTPP1 targets plant chloroplasts and suppresses immunity to facilitate Fusarium Head Blight disease
    Namrata Jaiswal, USDA-ARS
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    P-357: Identification and Functional Characterization of Effectors from the Root Lesion Nematode Pratylenchus fallax
    Emily Wolf, USDA
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    P-358: Characterization of effectors critical for Fusarium graminearum initial infection
    Guixia Hao, USDA/ARS/NCAUR
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    P-364: Assessing Clade Specific Secreted Proteins of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov) Race 4 in cotton.
    Sabita Gyawali, Auburn University
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    P-365: Role of fungal metallo-ß-lactamase (MBL1) in the detoxification of 2-benzoxazolinone (BOA) is shared among maize kernel fungal colonists
    Niño Laurel, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia
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    P-366: Unraveling the diversity on fumonisin production and benzoxazolinone degradation in Fusarium verticillioides through antioxidant metabolism.
    Ana Camacho Gamiño, UNAM
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    P-367: Genome Wide Association Study of Natural Competence in Plant Pathogenic Bacterium Xylella fastidiosa
    Ranlin LIU, Auburn University
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    P-368: Characterization of beech leaf disease: From molecules to landscapes
    Andrew Miles, The Ohio State University
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    P-369: A novel carlavirus-like defective RNA from Carica papaya contains a major deletion spanning different essential genes
    Diego Quito-Avila, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral
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    P-370: High quality reference genome for the palm trunk rot pathogen, Thielaviopsis ethacetica
    Marie-Gabrielle Ayika, University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
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    P-371: Exploring the potential of RNA interference technology in control of Phytophthora palmivora in Papaya
    Okan Topal, University of Hawaii At Manoa
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    P-372: Exploring Effector Profiles of Alternaria linariae Isolates in North Carolina
    Rajan Paudel, North Carolina State University
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    P-375: Xylella fastidiosa DNA methylation promotes biofilm formation
    Lindsey Burbank, USDA ARS
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    P-378: Bacterial pattern recognition inhibits de novo root regeneration
    Yun-Fan Chen, University of Georgia
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    P-379: Exploring the Role of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (GmCADs) in Soybean Defense Against Sclerotinia Stem Rot
    Ji Hyun Kim, University of Minnesota
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    P-380: Molecular characterization of two tobacco necrosis virus-A variants identified in sugar beet.
    Alyssa Flobinus, North Dakota State University
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    P-381: Characterization of Putative Virulence Factors in the Bacterial Onion Pathogen Burkholderia gladioli pv. alliicola
    Sujan Paudel, The University of Georgia
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    P-382: Exploring the Potential of Plant Protease Inhibitors for Plant Disease Management
    Dhirendra Niroula, Montana State University
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    P-383: Unraveling the Molecular Dialogues in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum Race4 (FOV4) Pathobiome of Pima Cotton (Gossypium barbadense) Wilt Disease
    Gayan Abeysinghe, Texas A&M University
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    New and Emerging Diseases

    P-388: Characterization of a virulence shift in the eastern filbert blight pathogen, Anisogramma anomala, in western Oregon
    Kameron Blair Kilday, Oregon State University
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    P-389: Identification of Periwinkle Target Spot and Biological Characteristics of the Pathogen in Taiwan
    Ya-Chen Lee, Department of Plant Pathology, NCHU
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    P-390: Characterization, detection, and prevalence of a novel strawberry crinivirus in Iran and the United States
    Mohammad Hajizadeh, Department of Plant Protection, University of Kurdistan
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    P-395: Identification and Molecular Characterization of Dahlia common mosaic virusfrom Silphium spp, a new natural host of the virus.
    Ying Zhai, Washington State University
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    P-398: Symbiotic Disruption: Root Knot Nematode Infection Effects on Plant Biomass and Microbiome Diversity
    Roshni Sawlani, University of Florida
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    P-399: Characterization of birch toti-like virus infecting ornamental European birch
    Edison Reyes-Proano, University of Idaho
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    P-401: A new blackberry virus in the U.S.
    Daniel Fager, Oregon State University
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    P-404: Tospoviruses: A growing threat to lettuce production in Mexico
    Israel Mejía Quevedo, Chapingo Autonomous University
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    P-408: First report of Candidatus Phytoplasma SrI subgroup 1A causing Aster Yellows on Chrysanthemums in Oklahoma
    Mustafa Jibrin, Oklahoma State University
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    P-409: First Report of Pantoea sp. Causing Bacterial Leaf and Panicle Blight of Rice in Louisiana, USA
    Jobelle Bruno, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
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    P-410: Phylogenetic Relationship of Tomato Ringspot Virus Isolates in Krymsk 86 Rootstock of Prune Trees Affected by Prune Brown Line Disease in California
    Kishorekumar Reddy, UC Davis
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    P-412: Emergence of Neonectria ditissima: A Growing Threat to Cider Apple Cultivars
    Matheus Borba, Virginia Tech
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    P-417: Navigating Vascular Streak Dieback: Economic Resilience Strategies for U.S. Redbud Nursery Industry
    Fulya Baysal-Gurel, Tennessee State University
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    P-421: Differences in boxwood blight symptom expression at different times and in different boxwood cultivars
    Nina Shishkoff, USDA ARS FDWSRU
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    P-422: Exploring fungi: student outreach through a library exhibit and an undergraduate mycology minor
    Monica Lewandowski, Ohio State University
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    P-423: Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Impacts and Farmer Adoption of Outcomes from Research Funded by the USDA National Sclerotinia Initiative Program.
    Bashir Tiamiyu, University of Connecticut
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    P-424: Small Farm Integrated Pest Management for Underserved Audiences in Mississippi
    Daniel Collins, Alcorn State University
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    Pathogen Biology

    P-426: Uncovering the Infection Strategy of Phyllachora maydis during Maize Colonization:A Comprehensive Analysis
    Denise Caldwell, Purdue University - Botany and Plant Pathology
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    P-428: Exploring the winter survival of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni strains with different chemical sensitivities in peach trees
    Milan Panth, Clemson University
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    P-429: Characterization of Caulimovirid-like sequences in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Georgia, USA
    Surendra Reddy Edula, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia
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    P-433: New insights into the biology and infectious process of Mycena citricolor, the American Leaf Spot in Coffee, from field and phytotron assays.
    Nancy Arciniegas Basante, Currently Independent
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    P-435: Development of a reproducible inoculation system of a single variant of Plantago asiatica mosaic virus that can cause necrosis in commercial lily
    Kunlaya Prakobsub, Tokyo university of agriculture and technology
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    P-438: Sugarcane Rust: A new inoculation method reveals the latent and inoculation periods of Puccinia spp.
    Fernanda Rodrigues Silva, University of Florida - Belle Glade, FL
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    P-439: Exploring the Pathogenicity of Pythium spp. on lettuce
    Joseph Garcia, California State University Monterey Bay
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    P-440: Unraveling unique interactions between Phytophthora capsici and understudied hosts
    Emma Nelson, Cornell University
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    P-442: Effect of vacuum infiltration of Xanthomonas perforans on germination of tomato seeds
    Mahesh Adhikari, University of Florida
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    Pathogen Survey

    P-444: Oomycetes occurring on blueberry nursery plants in South Africa
    Chris Spies, Agricultural Research Council - Plant Health and Protection
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    P-445: A survey of the causal agent of soybean sudden death syndrome in Ohio
    Jenna Moore, Ohio State University
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    P-446: Occurrence and Distribution of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Georgia Tobacco Fields
    Bonna Chowdhury, University of Georgia
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    P-447: Three decades of rust surveys in the United States reveal drastic virulence changes in oat crown rust
    Erin Moreau, USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory
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    P-448: The role of minor Alternaria spp. in the Alternaria blight and head rot disease complex in organic brassica production in Connecticut
    Roy Davis, University of Connecticut
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    P-450: Evidence of rapid infection of four sweetpotato potyviruses in a commercial field in California
    Juliana Osse de Souza, Foundation Plant Services, UC Davis
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    P-451: What’s in your fescue? Stability and purity of tall fescue-endophyte associations in the U.S.
    Carolyn Young, North Carolina State University
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    P-454: Phytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium species detected in the roots of six oak (Quercus) species across Illinois, USA
    Stephanie Adams, The Morton Arboretum
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    P-456: Humanitarian crises in Cameroon and Ethiopia: pathogen and pest threats to vegetatively propagated crops
    Romaric Armel Mouafo Tchinda, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida
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    Pathogen Vector Insect Interactions

    P-457: Identification of a potential vector of Ceratocystis fimbriata, the causal agent of sweetpotato black rot, in storage facilities
    Kelly Avila, NC State University
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    P-461: Host features affecting possible eriophyid mite vector over-wintering and seed transmission of emaraviruses
    John Hammond, USDA ARS Floral and Nursery Plant Research Unit
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    Plant Defense Responses

    P-463: Oil palm stem transcriptomes revealed new molecular insight for basal stem rot disease caused by Ganoderma boninense
    Wei Chee Wong, Crop Improvement Division, Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd.
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    P-466: Effect of 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 5 (KCS-5), a wax candidate gene, on resistance to Puccinia emaculata, a causal agent of rust on switchgrass.
    Samikshya Rijal, Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, University of Georgia
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    P-468: Role of phytohormones signaling pathways in soybean and C. sojina interaction
    Dablieny Hellen Garcia Souza, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
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    P-469: Modulation of sugar beet defense response during Cercospora beticola interaction
    Leonard Barnabas Ebinezer, Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University
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    P-473: Evaluation of defense induction in walnut (Juglans regia) plants by plant beneficial microorganisms by qPCR.
    Braulio Ruiz, Universidad de Concepción
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    Population Biology Genetics

    P-482: Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity of Xanthomonas species causing Bacterial Spot of pepper (Capscium annuum) in North Carolina
    Noah Totsline, North Carolina State University
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    P-486: Genetic Diversity of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus in Texas
    Ashrafou Ouro-Djobo, Texas A&M University
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    P-487: Phenotypic comparison and genetic analysis of hemp and wheat Fusarium graminearum populations in Kentucky
    Henry Smith, University of Kentucky
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    P-488: Cranberry Early Rot: Phylogenetic Insights and In vitro Assays to Understand Nitrogen Utilization of Phyllosticta species
    Ana Vazquez-Catoni, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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    P-491: Population genetic characterization of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from soybean and dry bean using AmpSeq.
    Bashir Tiamiyu, University of Connecticut
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    P-492: Characterization and global spread of two New World begomovirus species associated with the cotton leaf curl begomovirus complex in Pakistan
    Muhammad Javed Iqbal, University of Arizona
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    P-493: Simulating and understanding trait evolution using fungal phylogeny case studies
    Jenniffer Roa, AR UNIV OF
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    P-494: Genome characterization of seed-transmitted bean common mosaic virus tepary bean isolates
    Raphael Adegbola, The University of Arizona
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    P-496: Rhizoctonia solani AG3 shifted its lifestyle to a specialist on Solanaceae 400-600 years ago
    Xin Zhi Khoo, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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    Postharvest Pathology

    P-499: Citrus postharvest sour rot caused by the non-citrus pathogen Geotrichum candidum is driven by senescent fruit and weakened host defenses
    Albert Nguyen, Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of California
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    P-500: Exploiting Wound Healing for Rhizopus Soft Rot Management in Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)
    Waana Kaluwasha, Lincoln University of Missouri
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    P-502: Alternative packing line configurations for black rot of sweetpotato management
    Hunter Collins, NCSU, Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, and NC Plant Sciences Initiative
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    P-503: Pathogenic fitness costs of multiple and single fungicide resistance in isolates of the blue mold pathogen Penicillium expansum
    Riley Harding, Cornell University- New York State Agricultural Experiment station
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    P-504: Heterogeneity of DON Contamination of Maize Grain at Multiple Spatial Scales
    Jorge Valle Torres, The Ohio State University
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    P-505: Agreement in Deoxynivalenol Contamination of Maize Grain between Sampling Methods
    Jorge Valle Torres, The Ohio State University
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    P-511: Evaluation of Cercospora leaf spot, harvest handling, and post-harvest rot pathogen impacts on sugarbeet storage
    Carly Hendershot, Michigan State University
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    Proteomics Metabolomics Genomics​

    P-513: Transposon mutagenesis for Identification of Pathogenicity Factors in Erwinia tracheiphila
    Harpreet Kaur, Washington State University
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    P-515: Infection biology and population genetics of Cercospora leaf blight pathogens on soybean across the southern United State
    Ernesto Da Silva, Department of Plant Pathology & Crop Physiology, LSU AgCenter
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    P-516: Identifying genes impacting Dickeya fitness in potato stems using an advanced high throughput sequencing technology
    Juliana Gonzalez-Tobon, Cornell University
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    P-518: Next generation sequencing as a tool to understand the evolution of Maize dwarf mosaic virus
    Dulanjani Wijayasekara, Northeastern State University
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    P-519: Genome-wide identification and characterization of disease resistance genes in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) pangenome
    Yichun Wang, UF
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    P-522: Genomics-based Characterization of Antimicrobial Resistance of the Onion-Pathogenic Strains of Burkholderia cenocepacia
    Jonas Padilla, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
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    P-524: A combination of ab initio homology and transcriptome based gene prediction improves genome annotation of the fungal pathogen Stemphylium lycopersici
    Pedro Balatti, Centro de Investigaciones de Fitopatologia
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    P-525: Cotton contains multitudes: A metatranscriptomics sequencing approach reveals the cotton virome in the southern United States
    Cesar Escalante, Purdue Univ
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