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​​​Plant Health 2021 Sponsors​

​Sponsorship Opportunities

All sponsorship opportunities provide recognition as a sponsor and are used to supp​ort the​ meeting's operations. ​Each sponsorship opportunity can be packaged into one of our customized sponsorship packages,​ and if you have ideas for ways that your company would like to sponsor Plant Health 2021, reach out!​ Here are a few opportunities​ that might be of interest this year - you can find more in our sponsorship prospectus here and on our sponsorship reservation form below:

  • ​Select a sponsorship package with customized benefits
  • Sponsor a special session, symposia or ​create and ​host your own session
  • Host a career-guiding happy hour for students, postdocs and early career professionals

​Reserve your sponsorship now!​​

​Questions? Reach out!
Brianna Plank
Director, Business Development
Email Brianna

​Sponsor Checklist!

  1. ​Review and share these sponsor guidelines with your colleagues who will attend the meeting
  2. Opt in for Giveaway Friday (August 6)
  3. Set up time with Brianna to explore the meeting platform so your team knows how to navigate it before August 2!​

​​Registration List Scam Warning!

Suppliers: if you are contacted by any outside vendor other than APS or our partners trying to sell you or provide the Plant Health 2021 or APS Attendee List, they are not endorsed by APS. These are companies trying to get credit card details and personal information. Do not engage with these companies. APS and our official partners are the only vendors responsible for this meeting and able to provide listings to current suppliers.

American Phytopathological Society (APS)​
APS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization​​ consisting of a diverse community of scientists who are dedicated to pushing forward innovative plant pathology initiatives​. Our organization and members provide credible and beneficial information ​related to plant health; advocate and participate in the exchange of knowledge with the public, p​olicy makers and the larger, global scientific community; and provide and promote ​opportunities for scientific communication. Sponsorship contributions made to APS and Plant Health 2021 are tax-deductible (learn more at​
