​Abstract Submissions​

Submission Deadline: March 20, 2025​

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Why Submit an Abstract?

When you submit an abstract​ to Plant Health 2025, you receive the invaluable opportunity to present your research to global peers and industry leaders - both during and after the conference.

Presenting your technical abstract at the annual meeting benefits your professional development, research, and area of study. Submitting your research allows you to:

  • get exposure to future employers and expand your professional network
  • advocate for a key area of science and your personal field of interest
  • create awareness of your research to attendees from other disciplines
  • introduce fresh ideas and improvements that can benefit plant health science
  • improve the visibility of your research to a worldwide community of experts
  • practice and refine your presentation skills
  • participate in opportunities post-conference to share your work and collaborate

Contact planthealth@scisoc.org with any outstanding questions on how abstract submission works or can benefit your professional development.​

Submission Requirements

All submissions must report results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relates to phytopathology and related industries. No abstract that has been presented or is intended to be presented at another meeting shall be submitted for consideration.

Submission must include the following:

  • Justification
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Significance of the research to the science of phytopathology

Abstract text is limited to 1,600 characters including spaces. Edit and proof your abstract before submitting. Abstracts should also be proofed to make sure all authors and affiliations were accepted to the online form.

All abstracts must be reviewed by all listed authors and peer-reviewed by two additional people.

Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the annual meeting by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.

Abstracts must conform to the AI Tool Use Statement established by the APS Editorial Board.

All communications will be sent to the submitter until the acceptance notifications are sent. Once accepted all communications will be with the presenting author only.

Other Details

  • Submission Form Instructions
  • Evaluation and Acceptance Notification
  • Attendees from Outside the United States
  • Submission Terms and Conditions


Email APS Headquarters at planthealth@scisoc.org.