Submission Deadline: March 20, 2025
Tips for Writing a Better AbstractStart Abstract SubmissionStudent Travel Awards
Why Submit an Abstract?
When you submit an abstract to Plant Health 2025, you receive the invaluable opportunity to present your research to global peers and industry leaders - both during and after the conference.
Presenting your technical abstract at the annual meeting benefits your professional development, research, and area of study. Submitting your research allows you to:
- get exposure to future employers and expand your professional network
- advocate for a key area of science and your personal field of interest
- create awareness of your research to attendees from other disciplines
- introduce fresh ideas and improvements that can benefit plant health science
- improve the visibility of your research to a worldwide community of experts
- practice and refine your presentation skills
- participate in opportunities post-conference to share your work and collaborate
Contact with any outstanding questions on how abstract submission works or can benefit your professional development.
Submission Requirements
All submissions must report results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relates to phytopathology and related industries. No abstract that has been presented or is intended to be presented at another meeting shall be submitted for consideration.
Submission must include the following:
- Justification
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Significance of the research to the science of phytopathology
Abstract text is limited to 1,600 characters including spaces. Edit and proof your abstract before submitting. Abstracts should also be proofed to make sure all authors and affiliations were accepted to the online form.
All abstracts must be reviewed by all listed authors and peer-reviewed by two additional people.
Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the annual meeting by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.
Abstracts must conform to the
AI Tool Use Statement established by the APS Editorial Board.
All communications will be sent to the submitter until the acceptance notifications are sent. Once accepted all communications will be with the presenting author only.
Other Details
Submission Form Instructions
Please note that APS is using a new submission system this year. When you click "Start Submission," you will be prompted to enter your APS credentials. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one before proceeding with your abstract submission.
Abstract Title
- 150 characters maximum including spaces
- Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
- Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title
- Symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta
Abstract Text
- The abstract must be in one paragraph.
- DO NOT INCLUDE the title, author name(s), or author affiliations in the abstract text field.
- Use the abstract toolbar to add formatting (italics, superscripts, or subscripts)
- Character limit is 1,600 characters including spaces
Add Presenting Authors and Co-Authors
- Add the author’s first name, last name, email and select the role of the abstract author (presenting author or co-author). Click “Add Author”.
NOTE: We are using a new system this year, so all authors need to be added. Authors will not be searchable.
- After adding the author, click “Edit [author’s name] Profile” and complete contact details. Click “Continue” when you have entered all the required fields.
- Click “Save Authors” to move to the next task.
Categories and Key Words
- Select the topic category and keywords that best describe your abstract
Abstract Additional Submission Details
- Answer the two questions and click “Continue’ to move to the next task.
Abstract Payment
- Enter your payment information, click "Submit".
- Final Step
- After all the tasks are completed and you pay, click ”Save
Submission”and then click
Submit. Your submission will not be complete until this step is completed.
- You will receive a payment receipt
and a confirmation email when your submission is completed.
Evaluation and Acceptance Notification
Members of the AMB will evaluate all proposed abstracts based on the above submission requirements and inclusion of the required elements. Accepted submissions will then be designated as an oral or poster presentation and placed in the Technical Session or Poster Sessions based on the submission keywords.
Final program selections and notifications will be made by late April and acceptance notifications will be delivered via email to all submitters. There are a limited number of slots available for oral presentations; if your submission is not accepted for a technical talk, it will be moved to a poster presentation.
The designated presenting author (of either an oral technical or poster)
must be registered for Plant Health 2025 by June 6, 2025. Failure to register will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the meeting.
Accepted abstracts presented at Plant Health 2025 will be published in a supplement of Phytopathology, within 6 months post-meeting.
Attendees from Outside the United States
If you require a visa to attend Plant Health 2025
do not wait until you receive notification that your abstract submission has been accepted before applying for a visa. If your abstract presents new information and follows the requirements and acceptance criteria, it will most likely be accepted or accepted with revisions in poster or oral format (as determined by the Annual Meeting Board).
Customized visa invitation letters can only be issued to confirmed registrants including those who have paid the meeting registration fees), have submitted an abstract, or are otherwise presenting. When you register for the meeting, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to auto-generate a customized visa invitation letter. If you are unable to register early enough to begin the visa process and have submitted an abstract, please complete the
invitation letter request form. Invitation letters generated using the request form are identical to the letters created when registering, however they are manually created and may take up to 5 business days to be processed.
All applicants must be able to qualify for a visa on their own merits. APS cannot intervene with embassies in other countries on behalf of any meeting participants. If you require an invitation letter prior to registering or if you have additional questions, please contact the
APS Registration Desk.
Terms & Conditions
By submitting an abstract, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the APS abstract submission guidelines. This includes agreeing that the designated presenting author will present the abstract in the format determined by the AMB at Plant Health 2025, August 2-5, and will register and pay the registration fee by June 6, 2025. I understand that failure to complete the above terms will result in the withdrawal of the abstract from the meeting program.
Non-US Goverment Submitters
I confirm that this is an original work and that the abstract has not been previously published. I and any contributing authors, as sole proprietors of the abstract, agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to the American Phytopathological Society. Abstracts will be posted online. By agreeing, I accept this copyright transfer.
Canadian Goverment Submitters
If your work is protected by “© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada,” please add that copyright statement at the end of your abstract.
I understand that failure to accept the applicable copyright transfer or public domain notice will result in the immediate cancellation of my abstract submission.
Email APS Headquarters at