Student Travel Awards are made possible through the numerous
APS Foundation Named Student Travel Funds.
40 travel awards will be awarded to eligible APS Student Members to support their attendance to present their research at Plant Health 2025 in Hawaii.
Recipients of a travel award will have their meeting registration fee waived. A promo code will be provided to the student to use when
registering for Plant Health 2025.
How to Apply
Student Travel Award Application
The Student Travel Award Application is part of the Plant Health 2025
abstract submission process. This is a two step process. You must first submit your abstract and then submit your student travel award application. Abstract submissions open
February 13, 2025. Review the following eligibility, award requirements, and application components prior to submitting your abstract.
Eligibility and Travel Award Requirements
- Applicants must be current APS Student Members. APS membership is required both at time of submission and upon receipt of the travel award to Plant Health 2025.
- Students who received a Student Travel Award in 2024 are NOT eligible to apply for funding again in 2025.
- Applicants are required to submit an abstract and a student travel award application.
- Graduate students who are selected to speak in the 2025 I.E. Melhus Symposium are not eligible for additional funding from the Student Travel Funds.
- Applicants are required to
submit an abstract with the plan to present either a poster or oral at Plant Health 2025.
- Those selected to receive a Student Travel Award are required to be
registered for Plant Health 2025 by the presenter registration deadline of
June 6, 2025. Presenters who fail to register by the deadline will have their abstract withdrawn from the program and will no longer be eligible for a travel award.
Review & Selection Committee
The APS Graduate Student Committee, prior year travel awardees, and representatives from the Foundation Board will review applications and select award recipients.
Application Components
The student travel award application is part of the Plant Health 2025
abstract submission process and you
may only apply for travel funding once. When you complete your travel award application, please ensure that your travel award application includes the Abstract ID# you wish to have associated with your application.
Below are the components of the student travel application and how each section will be evaluated:
Abstract Content and Style (30 Points)
- Title clear, interesting, and with broad appeal (0-5 points)
- Clear objective (0-10 points)
- Study placed in context of pathosystem or larger field (0-5 points)
- Well written and engaging style (0-5 pts)
- Clear summation or conclusion (0-5 points)
Professional Development (500 Word Limit, 20 Points)
- Briefly describe your networking plans to make the most of your time at the meeting
Community Engagement (500 Word Limit, 10 Points)
- Propose an idea on ways to engage with the general public around plant pathology topics
- Creativity/originality of idea (0-5 pts)
- Feasibility and likelihood of success (0-5pts)
Curriculum Vitae (20 points)
- Upload a
2 page PDF file of your CV that includes emphasis on the following:
- Clear, attractive format, free of errors (0-5 points)
- Evidence of engagement in APS at any level (0-5 points)
- Membership duration, regional or national meeting attendance, publication in APS journals, committee involvement, etc.
- Evidence of service and volunteerism at department, disciplinary, or institutional level (0-5 points)
- Evidence of productivity and excellence in research, teaching, extension, and/or outreach (0-5 points)
Advisor's Letter of Support (10 Points)
- Applicants to provide the name and contact for the faculty member submitting a
1 page letter of support on their behalf.
The designated faculty member will receive an email with a personalized link for them to use when they submit their letter of support by the deadline of
March 28, 2025. Student applicants have access to see that a letter of support was submitted to their application, but cannot view the contents of the letter.
- Letter provides a compelling reason to recognize the student with a travel award (0-5 Points)
- Letter provides specificity to suppor general claims regarding the student (0-5 Points)
Additional APS Foundation Funding Opportunities