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​​​​CV​s 101​

Because these events will utilize breakout sessions, we were unable to record them.

​​Broadcast Date: April 14, 2023

​​​Webinar Summary​

The curriculum vitae is essential to every job application, but the format and organization can vary by position. Whether applying for a job in academia, industry, or government, a professional CV is critical. This session will provide students and early career professionals with experience ​creating and tailoring CVs for each position type. Break-out sessions will provide opportunities for small group discussions and activities.

Learning Objectives

  • ​Introduce attendees to the components of a CV 
  • How to tailor a CV to a specific job posting
  • What information should not be included in a CV
  • Understanding of how to edit their CV for each position to which they apply
  • How to highlight themselves in the best way for the position


This session will be presented by the Careers 101 task force, which was launched in 2014 as a collaboration among CADRE (now the Professional Development Center), the Graduate Student Committee, and Leadership Institute. The goal of this initiative is to offer career skills training at APS divisional meetings. These workshops feature a rotating curriculum of all-inclusive modules that can be taught by committee members or other volunteers.  We are proud to launch a webinar version of our CVs101 workshop to reach individuals who may have missed trainings offered at division meetings. This workshop will feature a panel of professionals from academia, industry, and government positions to share their perspectives and expertise with workshop participants, helping the latter to cater their CVs to different types of positions.

Dr. Kimberly D. Gwinn
University of Tennessee
Dr. Kimberly D. Gwinn, an associate professor in Entomology and Plant Pathology at the University of Tennessee, leads a research program based on identification of chemical weapons that plants, insects, and microorganisms use to ensure their survival and the development of these for efficient control of agricultural diseases and pests. Her research program has served as a foundation for 61 undergraduate research projects. Dr. Gwinn teaches a graduate level course on Biopesticides and an undergraduate course on natural products in medicine. She is the Program Director for Explore BiGG Data, a Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates in bioinformatics, genetics, and genomic sciences. She has served on numerous committees to select candidates for faculty and academic administration positions and has reviewed CVs for all candidates. In APS, Dr. Gwinn manages content development for the Professional Development Center which serves APS members at all career stages. She is active in community STEM outreach and serves as Fair Director for the Southern Appalachian Science and Engineering Fair and is a founding director of the Virtual Science Club.

 Dr. Lisa A. Beirn
Syngenta Professional Solutions
Dr. Lisa A. Beirn is a technical service manager with Syngenta Professional Solutions in the Turf and Landscape division. She earned a B.S. in Biological Sciences and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Rutgers University with an emphasis in turfgrass pathology. Lisa provides agronomic support for the turf industry and conducts regionalized field trials in the Northeastern United States for commercialized products. Prior to her current role, Lisa was an integral part of the Syngenta field development team, where she coordinated and conducted product development research for the turf, ornamentals, and pest management markets.

Dr. Nicole Gauthier
University of Kentucky

Dr. Nicole Gauthier is a Professor and Extension specialist at the University of Kentucky. Her program focuses on disease management of specialty crops including fruits, vegetables, and hemp. In her Extension role, she develops educational and outreach programs to help growers manage disease through identification, understanding of pathosystems, and integration of management strategies. Her research program focuses on a range of hemp diseases, including Fusarium head blight.  She is co-editor of the new APS Compendium for Cannabis Diseases. Gauthier joined the UK Department of Plant Pathology in 2011 and has been an APS member since 2007. She served as president and divisional forum representative for Southern Division APS, and now serves as APS Divisional Forum Councilor. Gauthier is currently co-chair of Careers 101.

Dr. Monica Lewandowski
The Ohio State University

Dr. Monica Lewandowski leads an engaging teaching and outreach program in the Department of Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University. Her responsibilities include teaching, advising and student recruiting. She is the graduate program coordinator for the Plant Pathology M.S./Ph.D. program and the Master in Plant Health Management professional degree. ​In her academic role, she frequently advises students on developing resumes and curriculum vitae to pursue graduate and career opportunities. Monica is a former Director of the American Phytopathological Society's Office of Education.

Dr. Elisha Allan-Perkins
Independent Researcher

​​Dr. Elisha Allan-Perkins is an independent researcher in New Hampshire and a research affiliate of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. She earned her Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and her dissertation research focused on nematode and microbe communities on turfgrass.  Her postdoctoral research at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station focused on diseases and best growing practices for hop and the epidemiology of the boxwood blight pathogen, Calonectria pseudonaviculata. Her current research continues to understand how environmental conditions affect boxwood blight and disease management strategies for gardeners. She is currently co-chair of Careers 101 and the Family and Caregiver Support Committee.

Dr. Misbakhul (Misbah) Munir
University of Kentucky

Dr. Misbakhul (Misbah) Munir is a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Plant Pathology at, University of Kentucky. He earned his Ph.D. from Clemson University and MS from the University of Kentucky. His studies have been mainly aimed at improving the efficacy and efficiency of disease management strategies in various crops such as Hevea rubber, apple, peanut and hemp. He has been working on the hemp fungal pathogen since 2021. His current work includes the detection and quantification of Fusarium spp. caused Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) on hemp to determine the timing of infection. He has been a member of APS since 2014.​