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Apply for Funding from the APS Foundation

Numerous funding opportunities are available to APS members that provide funds to support research, education, professional development​ and mentoring, and travel. Applications for several award funds are now accepting applications through February 28, 2025

Review application details and eligibility requirements​ ​prior to submitting your application. Membership in APS is required unless otherwise noted. ​​​

​Questions? Contact APS​​​

Call for Applications: Research, Education, and Mentoring​ Funds

Application deadline: February 28, 2025

Books for the World Program
Helps scientists, educators, extension personnel, and other agriculturalists in developing countries acquire educational materials from APS PRESS. ​

​​​Lafayette Frederick Diversity in Mentoring​ 
Goal is to increase the number of practicing plant pathologists from underrepresented groups​, particularly those from historically black colleges and universities, 1890 land-grant institutions, Tribal colleges and universities (1994 land-grant institutions), and minority serving institutions. 

Mathre Education F​und 
Provides support to plant pathology education and outreach programs. 

John and Ann Niederhauser (JANE) International Cooperation Research Fund
Supports international cooperation on a plant pathology research ​project between a person/institution in the U.S. and a person/institution outside the U.S.​​​ with priority given to countries with developing economies. 

Student Edu​cation Scholarship​​ ​
Provides support for student endeavors which further their education outside of the APS Annual Meeting.

Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellowship
Provides support to plant pathology graduate students for expenses related to their research, equipment, education, and skills development.​​

Call for Applications: Travel Fu​nds

Application deadline: February 28, 2025

French-Monar Latin American Fund 
Provides financial support to APS members that are Latin American graduate students or early career plant pathologists in a variety of ways.​ 

Browning Plant Medicine and Health Travel Fund
​Supports travel of an APS Graduate Student member majoring in the Doctor of Plant Medicine, Doctor of Plant Health, or similar programs, who plans to attend and participate in​ a professional society meeting other than APS. ​

APS Annual Meeting​​ Invited Symposia for Graduate Students and Early Career Members

Applications accepted February 1 through March 20, 2025

Date aligns with Plant Health 2025​ abstract submission deadline.

​​I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium
​Supports APS Graduate Student Members selected to present their research at the I.E. Melhus symposium​ at the ​APS Annual Meeting. Membership in APS is required.​

Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium
Supports the Faces of the Future symposium at the APS Annual Meeting by acknowledging up-and-coming APS Early Career members in specific areas of plant pathology.​​​ Membership in APS is required. 

​APS Annual Meeting Travel Funds

Applications accepted February 1 through March 20,​ 2025

Date aligns with Plant Health 2025​ abstract submission deadline.

Student Travel
Provides travel support for APS Graduate Student member​s who are confirmed to present and attend the APS Annual Meeting.​ Membership in APS is required.​ ​

International Travel ​​
Provides travel​ support for early- to mid-career international APS members from developing countries who are confirmed to present and attend the APS Annual Meeting.​ Membership in APS is required.

The Indian Phytopat​hology Society Student Travel​
​Supports travel to plant pathology students residing in India, who are members of The Indian Phytopathology Society
IPS​)​, to attend the APS Annual Meeting or other APS sanctioned m​eeting if deemed appropriate by IPS and APS Foundation Board.​ ​​

Experiential​ Funds for Professional Development

Applications accepted March 1 through May 15, 2025

OIP Global Experience 
In collaboration with the APS Foundation, the APS Office of International Program (OIP) Global Experience fund helps APS members who are​ plant pathologists working with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts. ​

OPSR Plant ​Path​ology Experiential
In collaboration with the APS Foundation, the APS Office of Private Sector and Relations ​(OPSR) offers two experiential offerings to APS members: individual (annually) and department​al (every two​ years). This fund supports professional development and learning more about career opportunities and/or gaining technical expertise in support of current​ research endeavors.​

Steven C. Nelson Early Career Development​ 
Fund provides support of activities that enhance the educational and professional development of APS members how are either MS and PhD students and postdoctoral scholars ​in Plant Pathology.​​​

Frank L. Howard Undergraduate Fellowship
Provides support to undergraduate research projects in plant pathology.