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​Steven C. Nelson Early Career Development Fellowship

About the Fellowship​

  • Supports travel to short-term visits and work at host institutions, industries or agencies by individuals, or small groups to both enhance experiential learning of the recipient(s), and to provide opportunities to build effective professional networks outside of their home departments. 

  • This fund does not support attendance at meetings or conferences. 

  • Ideal proposals outline activities that benefit both the recipient and the hosting institution, industry, or agency.​

  • (1) $2,000 fellowship is available for FY24.

  • Applicants must be current APS members engaged in graduate study or post doctoral research in plant pathology at the time of application, and during the time of the proposed activity.

  • ​Funds must be used within 12 months of receipt.

  • Preference will be given to applications wherein the host letter describes support or in-kind services that are at least equal to the funded amount.
  • Recipients are expected to submit a brief (250-500 word) article to Phytopathology News​ sharing their experience.

  • This fellowship​ may only be received once.​

​​ ​​Application Requirements

  • ​​​A letter of support from the host defining their role in th​e activity and a description of co-funding or in-kind support or services.​ 

  • A letter from the graduate or postgraduate supervisor in support of the proposed activity, or in the case of a group activity a letter of support from the applicants department chair. 

  • Current CV of applicant(s)

  • A proposal of no more than 800 words describing and justifying the proposed activity, wit​h part​icular attention to how the proposal addresses the priorities of this RFA: (i) Describe the activity, and whether this is an individual or group activity, (ii) Describe how the activity enhances the short and longer-term career benefits of the applicant(s) through skill acquisition, experiential learning, and development of an effective professional network, (iii) Describe the benefits to the hosting institution, company, or agency.

  • A brief budget for the proposed activity outlining major expenses. Activities to take place within 12 months of application date. ​​​

Applications will open September 2024 for FY25 funding. 

Steven C. Nelson was the Executive Vice President of APS from 1991 to 2013. During that time, he tirelessly advocated for opportunities that enhanced professional experiences as early as possible in the development of careers in Plant Pathology. The fund was established in 2009 with support from APS Council and APS Foundation.

Give to the Steven C. Nelson F​und​