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Office of International Programs (OIP)


The Office of International Programs (OIP) promotes greater global interaction among scientists and practitioners of plant pathology. OIP aims to provide continuity and coordination of APS international efforts, fostering collaboration across diverse economies and regions.

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OIP International Research Achievement Certificate

OIP gives a Certificate of Achievement honoring an early career investigator for international plant pathology research activities. Applications Close December 6, 2024.

OIP Global Membership Program

The Global Membership Program offers up to 100 APS memberships every two years, empowering scientists in diverse regions with the tools and connections needed to advance their careers and research.

OIP Global Experience Program Fund

The Global Experience Program Fund aims to help APS members who are plant pathologists to work with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts.

OIP Library Assistance/Donation Program

The OIP Library Assistance Program (LAP) provides APS publications to libraries and institutions in low- and middle-income countries that lack access or resources to acquire them.

OIP Silent Auction

Taking place at the APS Annual Meeting, members can participate in a unique engagement and fundraising event to help support scientists in low- and middle-income countries.

Other APS Foundation F​unding Opportunities in Collaboration with OIP

Books for the World

This program helps scientists, educators, extension personnel, and other agriculturalists in developing countries acquire educational materials from APS PRESS, and promotes the international distribution of books and other APS resources.

APS International Travel Fund

Provides travel support for APS members who are early- to mid-career international scientists who are native to and working in developing countries that will be attending and presenting at the APS annual meeting.

French-Monar Latin American Fund

Provides financial support to Latin American plant pathologists in a variety of ways to current APS Graduate Students or APS Early Career Members.

The John and Ann Nierderhauser Endowment (JANE)

The John and Ann Niederhauser Endowment (JANE) fund accepts applications that involve international cooperation between a person or institution in the United States and a person or institution outside the United States. Project proposals should have clear positive impacts on the developing country and practical applications.

Opportunities Beyond APS: External Funding Curated by the Office of International Programs (OIP)

Please note that while APS does there best to keep up with external link changes, they are not in our control. If you notice a broken link, please contact us.

AAUW International Fellowships

The AAUW International Fellowships program, established in 1917, offers $20,000–$50,000 to women pursuing graduate or postdoctoral studies in the U.S. Applicants must be non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents and plan to return to their home country for a professional career. A few awards support studies outside the U.S. for members of Graduate Women International. Selection is based on academic merit and commitment to advancing women and girls.

Cochran Fellowship Program

Provides short-term training opportunities to agricultural professionals from middle-income countries, emerging markets, and emerging democracies.

Embassy Science Fellows Program

Places USDA technical experts at American embassies overseas to provide expertise, advice and assistance with issues relating to the environment, science, technology, and health

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (students)

Apply for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. Students from all over the world are welcome. You will study at several universities in Europe and beyond. Full scholarships are available for the best students.

Faculty Exchange Program

Participants come to the United States for one academic semester (approximately 4 months) to acquire new knowledge and enhance their ability to teach and build curricula at the university level

Faculty for the Future program (graduate students and postdocs)

Competitive fellowship program for PhD and postdoctoral training for women

FFAR fellows (students)

Fellowships for Stipend and Professional Development in agriculture

Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is a prestigious international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. It aims to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries through academic and cultural exchange

Fulbright Scholar Program (Leave and Support)

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program sends American scholars and professionals on sabbatical leave to other countries, where they lecture and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, and provides support for them during their service.

Future Nobel Laureates Scholarship Program

This fully funded student program was created by EF Study Abroad with The Forum on Education Abroad and the Nobel Prize Museum, fueled by the belief that future Nobel Laureates need to build experience in order to change the world.

International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program (IAEFP)

Provides fellowships to eligible U.S. citizens to assist developing countries in establishing school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs.

Root and Shoot Program Opportunities

Opportunities to fund awards to travel to scientific conferences

Russell E Train Education for Training (students)

Competitive fellowship program for biodiversity conservation, including agriculture research

Science for Peace and Security-NATO

The Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme promotes dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO member states and partner countries based on scientific research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange. The SPS Programme offers funding, expert advice and support to tailor-made, civil security-relevant activities that respond to NATO’s strategic objectives .

Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program

The Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program promotes collaboration between U.S. and Chinese experts in areas like food safety, animal and plant health, and agricultural biotechnology. Since 1979, it has facilitated exchanges to advance U.S. agricultural priorities, encourage long-term cooperation, and strengthen U.S.-China relations.

The Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program

The USDA Borlaug Fellowship Program provides training and research opportunities to early- and mid-career scientists, researchers, and policymakers from developing countries. Fellows work with U.S. mentors for 8-12 weeks and engage in conferences like the World Food Prize Symposium. Established in honor of Norman E. Borlaug, the program fosters agricultural research and science-based trade policies to improve U.S. market access.

The World Academy of Science PhD and postdoctoral fellowships

Various fellowship opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral fellowships

USDA NIFA: Developing Global Partnerships

Partnerships often involve joint funding opportunities, collaborative research projects, and the exchange of scientific knowledge and technology.

The Global Teach Ag Network

The Global Teach Ag Network Global Guides program is a interdisciplinary educator professional development program focused on educator leadership and agency in advancing global issues.

DAAD Scholarships

The DAAD supports over 100,000 students and researchers annually, making it the world's largest funding organization of its kind. It offers scholarships for studying, conducting research, or learning German in Germany. Explore available opportunities.

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