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​​​​I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium


The I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium, named in honor of Irving E. Melhus, features presentations on graduate thesis work around a central theme which changes annually, and highlights research aimed at providing a better understanding of various areas of plant pathology. A host Subject Matter Expert ​Committee in conjunction with financial support from the APS Foundation's I.E. Melhus Fund, sponsor the ​I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium held each year at the APS Annual Meeting. 

Donate to the I. E. Melhus Fund!​​

2025 Host Committee and Theme

Host Subject Matter Expert Committee: Forest Pathology

Plant Health 2025 focus area: Breeding & Host Resi​stance

​Harnessing Host Resistance to Strengthen Management Strategies amidst Global Threats

Methods targeting host resistance are important to combat established threats, including disease outbreaks and climate change, and preserve genetic diversity within a host population. Research advancements in the 21st century have led to the development of new tools to improve existing resistance breeding efforts and establish novel approaches to harness host resistance for species restoration. This year’s symposium is looking to highlight those students employing host resistance methods in an innovative manner to establish a more resilient plant system.

Funds Available

FY25 Fund Amount: ​$2,500 (five travel awards at $500 each)​ Melhus recipients are not eligible to receive additional travel support from the APS Student Travel Funds.

Presentation: Up to five (5) presenters are selected to give a 30-minute presentation during the I.E. Melhus Symposium at Plant Health 2025.

Deadline to apply: ​March 20, 2025 - aligns with Plant Health 2025 abstract submission deadline. 

Eligibility ​​

  • APS Graduate Student Membership is required.

  • Applicants must be enrolled as a graduate student or have completed their graduate program within 12 months of the current APS annual meeting date (August 2025). 

  • Submitted thesis research project must be related to the yearly designated topic/theme.

​Application Requirements

  • Research Description​ (up to 5 pages maximum, excluding tables and figures): Requirements include listing a title and written description of the research project, stating the goals, methodology, results, and significance of the applicant's thesis research. 

  • Copy of Abstract submitted to Plant Health 2025

  • Letters of Recommendation (2) ​Letters should include evaluations of the applicant's research and ability to present the research in a clear and effective manner. ​NOTE one of the two required letters must be submitted by the applicant's major professor. Letters to be submitted directly using the Letter of Recommendation Form

Apply for Funding - applications accepted beginning January​ 2, 2025

Save all required materials into one PDF document prior to submitting your application. ​

​Submit ApplicationSubmit Letters of Recommendation

Deadline to apply: ​March 20, 2025 ​(aligns with Plant Health 2025 abstract submission date)

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or considered for funding. ​​​​

​Review Selection

Speakers will be chosen by an ad hoc selection committee comprised of the hosted APS Subject Matter Committee members. Applicants will be selected competitively, based on research significance and potential impact. ​

Previous ​Awardees​​