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First Report of the Perfect Stage of Powdery Mildew of Sugar Beet in North Dakota Caused by Erysiphe polygoni

April 2007 , Volume 91 , Number  4
Pages  470.2 - 470.2

C. A. Bradley , P. Burlakoti , R. S. Nelson , and M. F. R. Khan , Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, 306 Walster Hall, Fargo 58105

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Accepted for publication 7 January 2007.

Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni was widespread on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) in North Dakota during 2006. This disease is generally not prevalent in the state because of the application of fungicides, which also have efficacy against powdery mildew, for control of Cercospora leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola. Because Cercospora leaf spot pressure was low in 2006, fewer fungicide applications were made in the state, thus allowing for more observations of powdery mildew. Leaf samples from four fields near Amenia, Minto, Prosper, and St. Thomas, ND were collected in mid-September to look for the perfect stage of E. polygoni, since this has recently been observed in Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Nebraska (1--3). Only the leaves collected from the field near Amenia had visible immature (yellow and brown) globose ascomata; ascomata were not observed on the leaves collected in the other fields. Additional leaves were collected from the field near Amenia in early October; these leaves had immature and mature (black) globose ascomata that were 70 to 105 μm in diameter. Mature ascomata contained ovoid to elliptic asci with one to four hyaline-to-golden pigmented ascospores (20 to 25 × 12 to 20 μm). The color, shape, and size of ascomata, asci, and ascospores were similar to previously reported observations (1--4). The prevalence of the perfect stage in North Dakota is unknown, since no statewide surveys were conducted. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the perfect stage of E. polygoni on sugar beet in North Dakota. The occurrence of the perfect stage could lead to a means for overwintering in this area. Because of the means for genetic recombination, the risk of fungicide resistance and the development of races may increase.

References: (1) J. J. Gallian and L. E. Hanson. Plant Dis. 87:200, 2003. (2) R. M. Harveson. Plant Dis. 88:1049, 2004. (3) B. Jacobsen et al. Plant Dis. 89:1362, 2005. (4) E. G. Ruppel. Powdery mildew. Pages 13--15 in: Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects. E. D. Whitney and J. E. Duffus, eds. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN, 1986.

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