1. Numerous age appropriate books are available for children that discuss plants and how they grow.
2. The American Phytopathological Society publishes a storybook book for children. The publication can be downloaded without charge in English or Spanish using Adobe Acrobat Reader. In addition, an age-appropriate, colorful classroom poster entitled “Healthy Plants - Healthy People” is also available free of charge as a download. Find these materials and additional resources in the K-12 Resource Catalog in this site: http://admin.apsnet.org/edcenter/K-12/resource/Pages/default.aspx
3. Dale Seymour Publications. Pearson Learning. www.pearsonlearning.com
4. Although written at an advanced level, there is a set of Plant Disease Lessons in this website that includes many more photographs of plant diseases on various kinds of plants that might interest your students. http://admin.apsnet.org/edcenter/K-12/resource/Pages/default.aspx