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​​​​​​​​​​APS Courses​

APS courses explore topics of interest and importance to the plant health ​community. Offered in an online format, participants from academia, industry, and government sectors, in all career stages, will experience expert-led education in an engaging, discussion-based environment.

We're looking for your input!

​Do you have a request​ for educational content on a particular topic? Fill out the brief form below.

Education Request Form

​Do you want to create a course, webinar, or collection? ​Fill out the brief form below.​

Education Idea Form

Open for Registration 

​​Seed Pathology Fundamentals: Regional to Global Implications

Format: On-demand

SeedPath-200x145.jpg Get a comprehensive, high-level perspective on seeds and seed pathology, including knowledge needed to address rapid technological advances, phytosanitary concerns, and the evolution of seed trade policies.

​​​Learn more


Registration Closed

​2024​ ​Research Ethics​

 ​​​Format: Live virtual classes on Wedne​sdays •​ 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. US Central Time

**​​​Fulfills NSF, NIH, and USDA NIFA research grant requirements.​​**​

Past atten​de​es say:​
"Don't miss this unique experience - APS's course is interactive and discussion-based."
“It really opened my eyes to a lot of things that should be obvious t​o researchers,​ ​​but are not."
“It was great to learn from so many different people from different countries and at different career stages."​

​​Learn more​

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