The APS Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of several competitive travel awards for the 2010 APS Annual Meeting. The application process for 2010 opens on February 15, 2010. APS student members giving oral or poster presentations at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN, held August 7-11, are eligible to apply. However, students who received an award in 2009 will not be eligible for an award until 2011. Award winners will receive $500 to support their travel to the 2010 APS Annual Meeting.
The application is available at Applications are due by NOON Central Time on March 23, 2010, and advisor letters are due by NOON Central Time on March 30, 2010. These deadlines are strictly enforced; no applications or advisor letters will be accepted after the posted deadline. Students are encouraged to apply early.
If you have any questions about this process please contact graduate Student Committee Chair, Heather Olson (