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WORKSHOP: APS Journals – Reviewing a Manuscript 101

​Broadcast Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 | 2:00 - 4:00 PM Central​​

On-Demand - Open to All
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Peer-review of scientific research articles is ​the cornerstone of science. Participating as a reviewer is an important way to stay current in your​ research area and to pay back the scientific community. Unfortunately, many reviewers learn peer-review only through experiences with reviews of their own papers and are not formally trained to act as reviewers. This workshop, presented by editors-in-chief of the APS journals, will explain the reviewer's role and responsibilities in the peer-review process and share best practices to help reviewers (and authors) arrive at the best possible outcomes. This workshop will provide the knowledge to improve the peer-review experience both as a reviewer and as an author. 


Alexander Karasev, University of Idaho (Plant Disease Editor-in-Chief)
Chandrasekar Kousik, USDA Agricultural Research Service (Plant Health Progress Editor-in-Chief)
Nian Wang, University of Florida (Phytopathology Editor-in-Chief)​

​​On-Demand Workshop​