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Graduate Student Competition

During the APS Caribbean Division Meeting there will be a graduate student oral paper competition with three student awards offered, each one consisting of a certificate and a cash award given by the Student Award Committee. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Furthermore, the winner of the oral paper competition will have the opportunity to attend the APS Annual Meeting and present their research. To attend that meeting, the winner will receive complimentary registration and $1000 for travel expenses.

Presentations will be a total of 15 minutes, where the talk should be from 11 to 12 minutes, with 3 to 4 minutes available for questions. We require that this presentation is given in English and judging will take into if English is not your first language.

Please see the Abstract submission form to upload your talk. If you have any questions about the paper competition, please contact any of the organizing committee members.

Previous Winners




Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
​Mariana Prieto Torres - 1st Place (Oral)​North Carolina State University
​Diego Montañez - 2nd Place (Oral)​Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Conkal
​Paola Cristina Ronda Plaza - 3rd Place (Oral)​University of Puerto Rico
South Padre Island, Texas
​Jacobo Robledo Buritica - 1st Place (MS Oral)​University of Florida
​Naga Rajitha Kavuri - 1st Place (PhD Oral)​Texas A&M University
​Rulyu Meng - 1st Place (Poster)​Texas A&M University
Varadero, Cuba
​Will Groover - 1st Place (Oral)
​​Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA

​Lidia Chang Sidorchuk - 1st Place (Oral)
​​Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA), San Jose de las Lajas, Cuba

​​Carlos Alberto Salomón Solarte - 2nd Place (Oral)

​Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia

​Mylene Corzo Lopez - 1st Place (Poster)
​​​Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA), San Jose de las Lajas, Cuba
​Karina Elfar - 1st Place (Oral)
​Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

​Ana Luisa Valencia - 2nd Place (Oral)
​Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Costa Rica

Rebecca Sandoval -​ 1st Place (Oral)

Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica

Sandra Berenice Juárez - 2nd Place (Oral)

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Texcoco,​Mexico 

Derek Barchenger - 3rd Place (Oral)

New Mexico State University


Arturo Castro-Rocha  - 1st Place (Oral)

Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez

Lorena Simbaña Carrera - 2nd Place (Oral)

University of Puerto Rico

Alejandra Contreras-Rendón - 3rd Place (Oral)

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico


 Lederson Gañán - 1st Place (Oral)


Cecilia Monclova-Santana - 2nd Place (Oral)

University of Puerto Rico

​Jorge D. Caicedo Chavez - 3rd Place (Oral)

University of Puerto Rico


Brandon Hassett - 1st Place (Oral)

Texas A&M University

Margarita R. Marroquin-Guzman - 2nd Place (Oral)

University of Puerto Rico

Hao Hu - 3rd Place (Oral)

University of Florida


Jessica Torres - 1st Place (Oral)

Univ of Puerto Rico

Veronica Rivera - 2nd Place (Oral)

Univ of Puerto Rico

Garbriela Romera - 3rd Place (Oral)

Univ of Puerto Rico

Carlos Bolanos - 1st Place (Poster)

Univ of Puerto Rico

Karla Zeron - 2nd Place (Poster)

Zamorano University

Monica Mbui - 3rd Place (Poster)

Univ of Puerto Rico




Peta-Gaye S. Chang - 1​st Place



 Lina M. Rodriguez-Salamanca - 2nd Place

Michigan State


 Jesse Palenchar - 3rd Place

University of Florida