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Turfgrass Pathology Student Travel Fund

​​The Turfgrass Pathology Committee established this fund to sup​port outstanding turfgrass pathology students who wish to present their research at the APS Annual Meeting. S​everal donors provided the initial funds to initiate the effort.

As described in the 2008 APS Symposium, “A Century of Turfgrass Pathology: Then, Now, and the Future,” the discipline of turfgrass pathology has discovered and described numerous diseases and contributed to practical management solutions over many decades. Currently, the discipline seeks to develop more sustainable practices by elucidating the underlying biology, ecology, and epidemiology of turfgrass diseases.

Today’s students are using cutting-edge technologies and learning new re​search methods that can be applied to turfgrass systems. With increasing urbanization, and increasing utilization of turfgrass, it will be important to have professionals trained in turfgrass pathology. It is essential that today’s graduate students are provided opportunities to travel to annual meetings and sharpen their scientific skills, as well as take advantage of networking opportunities.