G. M.
G. L.
Department of Plant Pathology
S. C.
Department of Agronomy
, and
C. R.
Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University, Ames 50011
Growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine if resistance to Phialophora gregata, the causal agent of brown stem rot (BSR) of soybean, is expressed in the stems of resistant soybean genotypes. Upon introduction of the pathogen into the base of stems of 2-week-old seedlings, the fungus advanced with the growing tips of plants of susceptible genotypes but lagged behind in resistant genotypes. Five weeks after introduction of the pathogen, both mean percent stem length colonized by P. gregata and mean percentage of symptomatic trifoliate leaflets were significantly less for resistant than for susceptible genotypes. These results indicate that resistance can be expressed in the stems of resistant soybean plants and suggest that stem inoculation methods may be useful for assessing resistance to P. gregata. Also, in our experiments, internal stem discoloration was not as useful as colonization and foliar symptoms in discriminating resistant from susceptible genotypes.