Use your voice: learn how and why scientific, values-based advocacy is an effective way to make a difference in the lives of those around you.
This workshop will build on last year’s advocacy training for all plant pathology scientists: academics, industry members, and government employees. This year, the workshop will be an opportunity for plant health scientists from all sectors and career stages to come together and learn about how they can participate in advocating for support of their science. We will be centering the meeting around the topic of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), a group that APS PPB has advocated for in the past. We will have presenters explaining the timeline for an idea to go from infancy through the appropriations process and into a potential Presidential Budget; current and past members of the NPDN speaking about the advocacy process taken to ensure federal funding for the network and discussing recent accomplishments; and Capitol Hill staffers to listen to elevator pitches generated by workshop participants.
More information coming soon.