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​Unlock Your Future: ​Career Pathways for Early Professionals

Broadcast Date: ​May 22, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12​:00 PM CT

View On-Demand Webinar​

Webinar Summary​

This webinar, hosted by the APS Bacteriology Committee, is geared towards graduate students and early career researchers eager to learn about different career paths associated with plant pathology.

Our distinguished panelists renowned in their respective domains in industry, academia, government, and extension/consultation will generously share their wealth of experience including the pathways they’ve navigated, pivotal moments, challenges, and take-home lessons from their journey.

The panelists will further share examples of diverse career paths that are possible in this space, give general tips around building a strong CV/resume as well as interview preparation skills, what they could expect the interview process to look like, and broadly share what it’s like to work in each respective space. 

At the end of the discussion, there will be breakout sessions, one for each speaker, to give attendees a chance to ask more specific questions regarding the career path in which they are interested.

Learning Objectives​

The audience will:

  1. Gain insight into the work life of different career areas within Plant Pathology
  2. Learn tips on how they can position themselves for such roles as well as how to approach applying and interviewing
  3. Gain candid insight into specific questions they have regarding a particular career path in academia, industry, government, and consultation


Dr. Amy Charkowski holds the esteemed position of professor and serves as the Associate Dean of Research at C​olorado State University. With a focus on Pectobacterium and Dickeya genus, Dr. Charkowski has made invaluable contributions to our understanding of these pathogens.

Dr. Jerry Weiland, a distinguished research plant pathologist, is affiliated with the USDA. His research is dedicated to studying pathogens that impact on trees, shrubs, and vines, offering critical insights into plant health and disease management.

Dr. Shannon Hauf, Senior Vice President and Head of Seed Production Innovation at Bayer Crop Science, spearheads the innovation team, ensuring the production of high-quality seeds that are essential for sustainable agriculture and food security.

Dr. Ruud Scheffer brings a wealth of experience to the table as a seasoned crop consultant, specializing in crop protection, seed technology, and quality. With over a decade of expertise spanning academia and industry, Dr. Scheffer is renowned for his invaluable contributions to the field.

Moderator: Shaista Karim