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​Guidelines for Committee Leadership​

  1. Chair and Vice Chairs to attend the Committee Orientation webinar led by the Councilors-at-Large​. Vice Chairs to attend the virtual Vice Chair onboarding session. ​
  2. Chair shall prepare meeting agendas, send notice of meeting to committee members, runs the meeting, and may designate the Vice Chair or another committee member to record meeting minutes. The vice-chair or other representative will assume these responsibilities in the absence of the chair.
  3. Chair to ensure that the Committee's Annual Report of Activities is submitted to APS Council by the required deadline. Any committee that fails to submit their annual report of activities​ to APS Council for two consecutive years may be considered for committee deactivation by APS Council. 
  4. Chair to maintain the APS Committee's Online Community and shared files that include activities, records, meeting minutes, copies of previous annual reports, etc. and ensure that proper onboarding and transfer of all files and information are shared with the incoming chair.
  5. Inform APS headquarters staff​ and the appropriate program coordinator (see section on Annual Meeting Board​) of the proposed use of funds collected from outside sources in support of programs and arrangements for disbursement for the annual meeting.​
  6. Serve on the Annual Meeting Program Committee and attend, along with the vice chair, all of its meetings at the annual meeting of the society.
  7. Coordinate plans for meetings ancillary to the annual meeting with the Director of the Annual Meeting Board.
  8. Be aware of and inform committee members of legal ramifications their actions may have upon APS. Any action or commitment in the name of the society, or any commitment of funds of the society, must have prior written approval of Council.
  9. Appoint new members to committee and adhere to APS policy in doing so. (Committee Member Appointment Process)
  10. Ensure effective chair rotation/appointment:
    1. Lead committee in vice chair appointment during the Committee Connection virtual meetings held prior to the APS annual meeting. Chair to include the newly appointed vice chair on the Annual Committee Report Form.
      1. vice chair is a one year appointment effective at the close of the APS annual meeting.
      2. vice chair will rotate up to chair the following year at the close of the APS annual meeting.
      3. chair will serve for a term of one year, but may serve two terms consecutively.
      4. chair will serve for one additional year as immediate past chair.
      5. It is advisable that an APS member serve as chair or vice chair of one of the same committee type (i.e., Subject Matter Expertise​ or Career Pathway).
  11. Committee chairs may submit a proposal for either a merger with another committee or for voluntary deactivation of their committee. The recommendation to include a complete accounting of votes, a listing of members of the committee who were present, and the primary reasons for voting in favor of either merging or deactivating the committee. If less than half of the members of the committee are present at the time of voting, APS Council may accept the recommendation from the committee chair or request that a second vote be taken to include all current members.