St. Paul, Minn. (September 17, 2010)-Citrus Tristeza Virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases is a comprehensive title on the control and management of citrus tristeza virus (CTV), which causes complex disease syndromes in citrus. This new book includes authoritative coverage of the virus and its history as well as information about diseases caused by the virus. It also provides specific management strategies for these diseases in different countries.
Based on economic criteria, CTV is often thought of as one of “the most important plant viruses known to date,” according to the books editors. The worldwide distribution and high value of citrus crops has generated a strong body of important discoveries from the international community of plant pathologists
The book features research information on CTV’s interaction with the host plant, mechanisms of disease induction in different hosts, CTV’s interaction with aphid vectors, and research of the factors involved in host resistance to the virus. This volume will be of interest to plant pathologists, plant virologists, horticulturists, and graduate students in plant pathology and related sciences.
This book may be purchased for $149 plus S&H (USD) from The American Phytopathological Society. To order this book go to the APS PRESS online store at or call toll-free 1.800.328.7560 USA/Canada or +1.651.454.7250 elsewhere.
Citrus Tristeza Virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases includes 15 chapters in the following sections: Disease Description, Molecular Biology of the Pathogen, Aphid Transmission and Epidemiology of CTV, Resistance to CTV in Citrus spp., and management of CTV¾A Worldwide Experience.
©2010 APS PRESS; 6" x 9" softcover; 304 pages; 12 color images; 40 black and white images; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-378-8; Item No. 43788.
NOTE: Digital artwork of the book’s cover is available by contacting Ashley Armstrong. Please specify if the artwork will be used for print or electronic media.