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​​​​​The American Phytopathological Society

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Dedicated to Innovative Plant Pathology Initiatives ​

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For more than a century, members of APS have been making and sharin​g significant breakthroughs, both for the science and society. APS is driven by a distinctive community of scientists, whose energy and com​​​​​​​mitment ensure the global advancement of this critical science.  APS members represent a broad range of specialties, from pushing frontiers in the accuracy and speed of field diagnosis, to​ increasing our understanding​ of plant pathology through laboratory research. Members come from academia, government, industry, and private practice. The diversity of the members and science makes the society pertinent to ​a multitude of research areas, while the international involvement ensures that the latest innovations from around the world are available to all.​

APS works with a variety of stakeholders on agricultural, food safety, and food security issues. APS also provides scientific input on public policy issues to federal policy makers and agency personnel and works with other scientific organizations and coalitions to increase the awareness of the science of plant pathology and​ advocate for increases in agricultural re​search funding.​


​​Learn More

Check out this video with additional highlights on careers in plant pathology... 
