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Supplemental Information and References: Tobacco mosaic virus

Supplementary Information:

On-Line sources for information about plant viruses:

Access Excellence ( Activities Exchange includes a detailed description of an experiment by S. Plati designed for high school students that describes an assay for TMV from cigarette tobacco.

Plati. S. 1996. One, two, three….TMV. Fellow's Collection. Access Excellence Activities Exchange.

All the Virology on the WWW. This site compiles many web sites that virologists and the general public would find valuable. One section is for plant viruses; one site includes information about specific virus groups.

American Phytopathological Society site has two key articles about the discovery of TMV. A resource for learning more about the virus, the disease and its management is also beneficial to more fully understanding current status of the disease. Another useful link on this site is to a feature story describing the plum pox virus and the disease it causes in stone fruits.

1898- The beginning of Virology…time marches on by Karen-Beth G. Scholthof. This URL contains links to: Beijerinck, M. W. 1898. Concerning a contagium vivum fluidium as a cause of the spot-disease of tobacco leaves. This article was published in 1942 as part of the APS book Phytopathology Classic, Number 7. A short biographical sketch of Beijerinck is also included.

Zaitlin, M. The discovery of the causal agent of the tobacco mosaic disease. This article, written by a well-known plant virologist, describes the history of the events surrounding the work of the three scientists, Mayer, Ivanowski, and Beijerinck, that led to the characterization of the nature of the virus. This article offers a historical view of TMV-related research. It is from the book Discoveries in Plant Biology, 1998, pp.: 105-110. S. D. Kung and S. F. Yang (eds.) and is reprinted by permission of the World Publishing Co., Ltd. Hong Kong.

Scholthof, K-B. G. 2000. Plant disease lessons: Tobacco mosaic virus. This lesson was published in The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2000-1010-01. The information at this site is instructive in understanding the symptoms and signs, pathogen biology, disease cycle, epidemiology, disease management, and scientific, economic and social significance of TMV.

Levy, L. Damsteegt, Scorza, R, and Kölber, M. 2000. Plum Pox Potyvirus Disease of Stone Fruits. This article provides a thorough background describing the recent introduction of plum pox virus into the United States. A detailed description of the virus and its transmission are also included.

American Type Culture Collection (Catalogue of Animal and Plant Viruses) The ATCC is a global nonprofit bioresource center that provides biological products to primate industry, government, and academic organizations around the world. Several strains of TMV have been deposited in this collection.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture. This site provides information to scientists, teachers, and the casual traveler relating to the movement of animal and plant pests in the United States. Forms required for interstate transport of TMV can also be obtained at this site. This form is required for obtaining TMV from Carolina Biological.

Brunt, A.A. Crabtree,K., M.J. Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. and Zurcher, E. J. (eds.) 1996 onwards. Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database is a comprehensive site that includes information about specific viruses, viral genera, and host plant species.

Sforza, P. 2001. Tobacco mosaic virus. The structure of TMV and the relationship of the RNA to the protein subunits are emphasized. In addition to a model of the virus, the site includes two animations.


Agrios, G. 1997. Fifth edition. Plant Pathology. New York. Academic Press. A classic textbook of the discipline. The book includes general information about plant pathogens and examples of specific plant diseases including TMV.

Dash, M. 2001. Tulipomania: The story of the world's most coveted flower and the extraordinary passions it aroused. Three Rivers Press. This book details the history of the tulip craze in the Netherlands during the seventeenth century. A story that begins in Central Asia, peaks through the "tulip crash" in the Netherlands in the 1600's, and continues into present times