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​​​Author Instructions
The Plant Health Instructor consists of​ the peer-reviewed parts of the APS Education Center. Materials accepted for publication must be scientifically sound, suitable for the designated audience, and prepared according to th​e guidelines provided by the links below. A checklist is also provided to assist authors. If accepted, authors must transfer copyright to the APS Education Center. Accepted materials will be placed in the appropriate section of the Education Center and cited as a publication in the peer-reviewed APS journal, The Plant Health Instructor.

Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to contact the Education Center Editor-in-Chief​, to discuss their plans, in order to avoid duplication and encourage coordination with others who may be preparing similar materials.​

Why submit your instructional materials to the APS Education Center?

Publication in the APS Education Center benefits both students and instructors. Instructors receive recognition for their contributions to education, which are peer reviewed. APS provides technical support and image resources, so authors can focus on content and presentation. The APS Education Center provides outreach to K-12 teachers as well as instructors and students in plant pathology, biology and microbiology courses. Instructors can choose from the many freely accessible online materials to enrich their own courses. Teaching Notes and articles provide a means to contribute to the scholarship of plant pathology pedagogy.

Students have access to quality instructional materials created by a variety of instructors with expertise in many areas. Plant pathologists who never enter a classroom can contribute their knowledge and insights to students worldwide by publishing materials in the APS Education Center. Specialists in other disciplines can provide information on topics with plant pathology applications. The APS Education Center also may be used for continuing education. Plant health professionals and extension clientele can review basic knowledge and update their education in quickly changing areas. Online, peer-reviewed publication assures accurate and current information with color images and other instructional technologies not available in traditional textbooks.