OPRO has developed several resources for members to use in their outreach efforts with various youth organizations as well as for the general public.
Which Plant Disease Are You — This fun and
interactive activity is a great way to explain the
habits of pathogens to a variety of audiences. Download the
pathogen cards,
handout. |
Plant Pathology Career Poster / Banner – The poster and
banner emphasize career opportunities in plant pathology. These are great tools encouraging students to consider a career in plant pathology. Reserve the pop-up banner. |
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"Plant Pathology: Taking you further than you ever imagined" DVD Video (3:58). Also available on
youtube.com, this outreach aims to increase the recognition and understanding of plant pathology. |
Discover Your Career in Plant Pathology Postcard—A colorful postcard on the study of the science, activities of plant pathologists, and what it takes to become a plant pathologist. |
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Plant Doctors Make the World Better Video Series — The latest outreach videos from OPRO show what
the world would be like without plant pathologists.
Plant Detectives Poster —A fun, visual discovery of plant diseases and what plant pathologists do to detect them, great for middle and high school students. |
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Plant Pathology: Past to Present—This illustrated storybook describes the origin, relevance, and
science of plant pathology. Available for
downloading in English, Spanish, and Chinese. | Plants Get Sick Too! Display—Panels are available for download/print, and banners can be requested for use. Contact
APS Headquarters. Download:Crops Get Sick Too (Tall Banner),
Greenhouse Plants Get Sick Too (Tall Banner),
Plants Get Sick Too (Horizontal Banner). |
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Plants Get Sick Too! Poster—Illustrations of how
plant pathologists keep plants healthy, appropriate
for K-12 students.
APS OPRO Resources - This short video presentation (.wmv) plays in the display booth at a variety of events, showcasing the materials that OPRO has available and giving a quick lesson on what plant pathology is. |
"What is Plant Pathology or Phytopathology?"— This presentation template allows you to add your
own disease photos, diagrams, and images of plant pathologists in action for upcoming lectures and
public speaking engagements.
| OPRO Meets - "OPRO Meets" features a wide array of science outreach events and activities that are organized by various APS members and affiliates. The purpose of these articles is to recognize science outreach-related activities organized by APS membership and encourage outreach through publicizing it and making necessary materials available to recreate these events/activities. Each article below has been featured in the APS Phytopathology Newsletter.