The APS PPB Policy Fellowship provides a plant pathologist to work at a high level of government (e.g., the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy) for one year.
Fellowship applications are closed.
Fellowship Duties
Although the specific duties will be determined in conjunction with the hosting Federal agency, in general, the PPB Policy Fellow should expect to be responsible for engaging the Federal sector, the APS Public Policy Board, APS leadership and membership, and other scientific and stakeholder communities on identified issues.
As applicable to the identified issues, the Fellow will provide coordination as well as cohesive and targeted action.
The Fellow should expect to provide research and assistance in the development of Federal policies, regulations, or priorities and in the organization of scientific meetings.
The Fellow will make it a priority to participate in the monthly APS Public Policy Board meetings and selected public policy sessions at APS annual meetings and/or workshops throughout the period of the Fellowship.
Upon completion of the fellowship, the Fellow will write an article for Phytopathology News outlining activities and the value of the Fellowship; provide a presentation in-person at the APS Annual Meeting and voice-over PowerPoint (to be posted on the APS website) on key activities covered during the Fellowship; as well as provide orientation to future Fellows.
Eligibility Requirements
Membership in APS is required
Applicant to be a U.S. Citizen
In possession of Ph.D. with all requirements completed
Post-doc to mid-career
Willing to undergo a background check and U.S. government security clearance process, if necessary, and requested by the hosting agency
Application Requirements
Interested plant pathologists should submit the following as a single PDF file:
A curriculum vitae;
Names of three references (no recommendation letters)
Statement of availability and timing for assuming the position if selected
Short (i.e., maximum one-page) statement as to why you should be selected for the position.
A small group interview will be held with the top candidates. Final selection of the candidate will be upon approval by the hosting Federal agency.
Financial Stipend
During the one-year period of the fellowship, APS will provide a Fellowship stipend comparable to that paid by other scientific societies.
About the Fund
The APS Public Policy Fund was developed to support the unique opportunity initiated by the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) by seeking support for a plant pathology fellow to spend several months in Washington D.C. The Public Policy Fellow will work with one or more Federal Agencies to provide expertise on policy activities related to plant and microbial biology, agricultural and life sciences, food safety, and related technology.
This effort was initiated by the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) in 2008, and at the 2011 APS Annual Meeting in Hawaii, the Foundation partnered with PPB to launch a bold $100,000 campaign for this endowment in recognition of the PPB founding members and its 20th anniversary. APS Council also pledged to match the first $50,000 in contributions to this fund, and this match was fully achieved.