Harvey C. Hoch received his B.S. in botany and his M.S. in plant pathology from Colorado State University in 1965 and 1967 and his Ph.D. in plant pathology from the University of Wisconsin in 1972. He joined the Department of Plant Pathology of Cornell University at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva as a research associate in 1974 and is currently professor.
Dr. Hoch’s research into the biology of fungal cell growth and appressoria formation is focused on the mechanisms involved in signal reception to external stimuli. He and colleagues demonstrated the utility of nanofabrication technology to simulate topographic stimulation of appressoria formation. He and Richard C. Staples were awarded the APS Ruth Allen Award in 1994. He remains active in nanotechnology and in 1999 was among a team to establish the National Center for Nanobiotechnology. Dr. Hoch has authored over 100 papers in scientific journals and more than 30 book chapters, including coeditorship of the book Nanofabrication and Biosystems: Integrating Materials Science, Engineering and Biology.
Dr. Hoch is a member of APS, MSA, and the Society of Cell Biology. He has served as an associate editor of Phytopathology and a member of the several APS committees. He has also served as associate editor for the Canadian Journal of Microbiology. In MSA, he has served on the editorial board of Mycologia, has served on the Phytopathology Committee and has been Councilor for Cell Biology/Physiology. He has represented both APS and MSA on the Biological Stain Commission.