The Noel T. Keen Award recognizes APS members for research excellence in molecular plant pathology. The award is presented in even years.
Eligibility and Nomination Requirements
Nominees must be current APS Professional Members.
Nominees will have made outstanding contributions and demonstrated sustained excellence and leadership in research that significantly advances the understanding of molecular aspects of host–pathogen interactions, plant pathogens or plant-associated microbes, or molecular biology of disease development or defense mechanisms.
APS Fellows are not eligible to be nominated for this awards except when the new nominations are for accomplishments different from that on which the Fellow nomination was based, and the new accomplishment has occurred after recognition as a Fellow.
Nominations stand for one award cycle.
Nominations for the 2026 award accepted from September 1 - December 1, 2025.
Nomination Guidelines
Honor Bestowed
The award consists ofa crystal inscribed award. The recipient is presented with the award at the APS Annual Meeting.
*Please note that all bios linked from this page were published at the time of the received award and may not be current.