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From Article IV Section 4 of the APS Constitution: Each Councilor-at-Large is elected for a three-year term. One Councilor-at-Large is elected each year so that the three-year terms, designated by the year in which the term expires, do not run concurrently. The newly elected Councilor-at-Large assumes office at the close of the Annual Meeting following the election. Councilors-at-Large are not eligible for nomination for another office/position within the Society during the duration of their term. 

General Responsibilities

  1. The Senior CAL is a member on APS Council and Executive Committee.
  2. Councilors-at-Large (CALs) will submit a summary report of the committee's annual reports to Council and will share Council's responses with committees following Council's fall meeting. 
  3. Conduct the orientation webinar for APS Committee leadership.
  4. Each CAL is designated as a liaison to a committee for their term as CAL. As a liaison​, CALs will attend committee meetings as feasible throughout the year and participate in leadership trainings hosted by the Leadership Institute. 

Specific Responsibilities of Senior Councilor-at-Large

  1. Leads the Committee Orientation webinar (held typically in the spring before the society's annual meeting).
  2. Encourages new volunteers to contact the appropriate committee chair prior to the annual meeting through electronic means and through an article in Phytopathology News.
  3. Serve as a liaison and resource to their designated committees. 
  4. Work with APS Staff to ensure vice chair appointments are completed as outlined in the Manual of Operations for the upcoming year (to be completed by the end of the APS Annual Meeting) 
  5. Presents the annual report summary of committee's activities to Council at their fall meeting.
  6. Alongside APS Staff, will assist with the call for nominations and award announcement for the APS Outstanding Volunteer Award​.
  7. Serves in an advisory role as an ex-officio non-voting member on the Annual Meeting Board. ​
  8. Ensures incoming CAL is onboarded prior to taking office at the close of the annual meeting.​​