The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the leader of headquarters staff, and is appointed by the Headquarters Operating Committee (HOC). The CEO provides positive and effective leadership and direction for the American Phytopathological Society within the broad policies and goals established by Council to achieve the visions and strategic objectives of APS. The CEO is responsible for implementing the policies established by Council, as well as for operation of the Society headquarters and supervision of staff. The CEO is a non-voting member of Council.
General Responsibilities:
- Facilitates effective strategic planning and leadership by APS Council
- Participates with the APS Council in planning overall strategy
- Monitors progress of committees and staff toward goals
- Plans and formulates policies and procedures for approval by APS Council
- Develops and fosters a culture that manages change and encourages innovation
- Communicates and promotes understanding of the strategies and objectives to officers, committees, staff, and the membership
- Brings strategic issues to the agenda of the APS Council
- Directs long term planning by staff
Society Representation
- Acts as representative of APS and represents APS
- Promotes and monitors alliances and cooperative agreements with other organizations to bring strategic advantage
- Promotes awareness and a positive society image
Financial Integrity of Organizations
- Initiates long term planning and strategy building by APS, committees, and staff
- Communicates broad financial strategies and goals to staff
- Delegates responsibilities for budget planning and execution
- Communicates the fiduciary responsibility of the governing bodies to officers
- Monitors financial reports and benchmarks and communicates status to officers
- Serves as the publisher of the official publications of the American Phytopathological Society
- Initiates strategic planning process and review for journal, books, and electronic publishing programs
Headquarters Operations Committee (HOC)
Works closely with the Chair of the HOC to communicate status to the HOC committee, set agendas for HOC meetings, and provide strategic direction for the personnel, facilities, and capital expenditures
- Clearly communicates goals and expectations to staff
- Promotes staff retention
- Provides for the professional development of staff
- Leads HOC Strategies Committee in creating strategy for Scientific Societies
- Promotes Scientific Society services to other appropriate organizations
- Facilitates the work of the HOC Investment Advisory Committee