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A Gene-for-Gene Relationship Underlying the Species-Specific Parasitism of Avena/Triticum Isolates of Magnaporthe grisea on Wheat Cultivars

November 2002 , Volume 92 , Number  11
Pages  1,182 - 1,188

N. Takabayashi , Y. Tosa , H. S. Oh , and S. Mayama

Faculty of Agriculture, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan

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Accepted for publication 13 June 2002.

To elucidate genetic mechanisms of the species-specific parasitism of Magnaporthe grisea, a Triticum isolate (pathogenic on wheat) was crossed with an Avena isolate (pathogenic on oat), and resulting F1 progeny were subjected to segregation analyses on wheat cvs. Norin 4 and Chinese Spring. We found two fungal loci, Pwt3 and Pwt4, which are involved in the specific parasitism on wheat. Pwt3 operated on both cultivars while Pwt4 operated only on ‘Norin 4’. Using the cultivar specificity of Pwt4, its corresponding resistance gene was successfully identified in ‘Norin 4’ and designated as Rmg1 (Rwt4). The presence of the corresponding resistance gene indicated that Pwt4 is an avirulence locus. Pwt3 was assumed to be an avirulence locus because of its temperature sensitivity. We suggest that gene-for-gene interactions underlie the species-specific parasitism of M. grisea.

Additional keywords: blast fungus, Pyricularia.

© 2002 The American Phytopathological Society