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First Report of Southern blight Incited by Sclerotium rolfsii on Dichondra repens in Italy

February 2005 , Volume 89 , Number  2
Pages  203.2 - 203.2

A. Garibaldi , A. Minuto , and M. L. Gullino , Centre of Competence for the Innovation in the Agro-Environmental Sector (AGROINNOVA) and DIVAPRA, Via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095 Grugliasco, Italy

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Accepted for publication 16 November 2004.

Kidney weed (Dichondra repens) is increasingly used for low maintenance turf in Italy, particularly for gardens and parks in areas characterized by mild climate. During September 2003, on the D. repens turf of a private garden located near Imperia (northern Italy), yellow, circular areas as much as 60 cm in diameter appeared with the grass becoming chlorotic and thin. A ring of the patch at its periphery exhibited a reddish brown color and eventually died. An area of green grass remained in the center of the patch. Rings of dead grass enlarged rapidly during hot, humid weather. In the presence of abundant moisture, a white mycelium occurred on the dying grass at the periphery of the ring. White or light-to-dark brown sclerotia (1 to 3 mm in diameter) developed from mycelium on the dead grass. The diseased tissue was disinfested for 1 min in 1% NaOCl and plated on potato dextrose agar amended with 100 mg/l of streptomycin sulphate. Sclerotium rolfsii was consistently isolated from infected plants. Pathogenicity of three isolates obtained from infected plants was confirmed by inoculating healthy D. repens turf (1 m2 plots and three replicates). Inoculum that consisted of wheat kernels infested with mycelium and sclerotia of each isolate was placed on the soil surface. Noninoculated plots served as controls. The inoculation trial was repeated once. Turf was covered with a plastic film for 7 days, kept at temperatures ranging between 22 and 25°C, and watered as needed. Inoculated plants developed symptoms of leaf yellowing within 11 days, soon followed by the appearance of white mycelium and sclerotia, and then eventually wilted. Control plants remained symptomless. Sclerotium rolfsii was re-isolated from inoculated plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report of S. rolfsii on D. repens in Italy. This disease has been reported on kidney weed in several countries such as the United States (3), Brazil (1), and India (2).

References: (1) M. Menezes and J. A. A. Lima. Fitossanidade 1:18, 1974. (2) K. Ranganathan and N. Shanmugam. Indian Phytopathol, 27:113, 1974. (3) J. D. Smith et al. Fungal Diseases of Amenity Turf Grasses. E & F.N. Spon, London, 1989.

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