Rodrigo A. Valverde, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803;
Sead Sabanadzovic, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762; and
John Hammond, Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, USDA-ARS, U.S. National Arboretum, Beltsville, MD 20705
Microbes including fungi, bacteria, and viruses commonly cause diseases in
humans, animals, and plants. Nevertheless, there are many beneficial microbes.
Recently, researchers proved that a phytoplasma is the biological agent causing
free-branching in poinsettias which is an economically beneficial trait for
their producers. Beneficial viruses for plants have been discovered as well.
Symptoms due to virus infections include foliar mosaic, mottle, ring spots,
necrosis, malformation, curling/rolling, yellow vein, flower and/or foliage
variegation, fruit malformations, and overall plant stunting. However,
interactions between plant viruses and their hosts do not always result in
disease. There are other viruses that can cause desirable effects in their
hosts, and infected plants have been selected or in some cases used by
ornamental horticulturists to enhance their aesthetics. Plants with unusual
foliage and/or flowers are highly sought by horticulturists and many ornamental
plant enthusiasts. Selections of many ornamental plants exhibiting green leaves
with other colors such as white, yellow, or red, alone or combined (generally
known as variegations) have been propagated and commercialized as distinct
cultivars. Similarly, this practice has been conducted with flowers exhibiting
desirable aesthetic value, usually in the form of flower breaking (flowers in
which petals are variegated due to the irregular distribution of pigment). Plant
viruses can cause symptoms that mimic genetic variegations and vein
discolorations. In this paper, we discuss some viruses that enhance natural
beauty of certain ornamentals and increase their commercial value, and we
discuss potential drawbacks and repercussions associated with their use.