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Patrick E. Lipps


lipps.JPG (24480 bytes) Patrick Lipps is a professor of Plant Pathology at the Ohio State University stationed at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center at Wooster, Ohio. His primary research interests include biology, epidemiology and control of diseases of corn and small grains. Recent research has emphasized epidemiology of diseases of corn favored by reduced tillage residue management systems, the development of integrated disease management strategies and the development of disease resistance in corn and small grain cultivars to various air-borne and residue-borne fungal pathogens. He has a part time appointment with Ohio State University Extension with responsibilities to develop and implement disease management programs for field crops in Ohio with emphasis on wheat, corn and soybean. Extension educational activities involve state-wide extension programming for production agriculture, development of extension literature, and participation in county and state-wide educational programs. He is a member of the Ohio State University Extension Field Crop Agronomy Team.

Pat has been a member of the USDA North Central Technical Committee on diseases of corn and sorghum since 1980 and as served as chairperson of the committee twice. He helped co-ordinate the Gray Leaf Spot Monitoring Project for the committee during 1996 and 1997. Pat is a member of the American Phytopathological Society and is currently the North Central Division Councilor for the Society.