Testing the Waters at Plant Health 2019!
Written by APS Annual Meeting Board Members Sydney E. Everhart and Kelly Ivors
We are excited to announce that at the next APS Annual Meeting, Plant Health 2019, you will have the option to upload a digital copy of your poster, called an “e-poster,” which will be viewable to meeting attendees throughout and shortly after the meeting. The e-posters will be accessible through both the annual meeting app on your mobile device and a few e-poster viewing screens in the poster hall to demonstrate access to any e-poster on demand.
More time to look at posters
Making e-posters available online will enable you to access the digital versions of posters from the comfort of your hotel room or a nearby café. The regular poster session will continue to be held in the exhibit hall, with authors being physically present for specified periods of time during the meeting. In addition, this year the poster hall will open a little bit earlier and close a little bit later each day, giving you a few more hours to view the printed posters. To reduce the costs of poster boards and open up space for other activities, there will still be two poster-hanging times. As at previous meetings, the physical posters will be rotated, with half hung up during the first half of the meeting and half hung up during the second half of the meeting. However, making the e-posters available to view electronically will dramatically increase the number of hours that each poster is available for viewing.
Plan ahead!
If you wish to have your poster available as an e-poster, as well as a printed poster, you will be asked to upload a PDF of the poster about 1 week before the meeting . In addition, you will have to bring your printed poster and have the presenting author available at the poster during the scheduled poster presentation time.
Does your poster have sensitive data?
If your poster contains data that you don’t want to share electronically, you don’t have to upload it; the e-poster is an optional format. If you want to provide both formats, you can redact the information from the e-poster that you don’t want to show.
Bottom line
The e-poster is a new option to make posters more viewable and accessible to attendees of Plant Health 2019. We are testing the e-poster format this year to see how well it is received by attendees. Our goals in offering this innovation are to improve your APS meeting experience and to be cost effective by using the latest technology available. If successful, e-posters will provide much greater flexibility for meeting space requirements, which means greater flexibility in selecting facilities for future APS meetings.