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About the Caribbean Division


​The Caribbean Division is the regional repres​​​entation of The American Phytopathological Society.


Eligible members are those members of APS who live in countries of the Caribbean region, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Central and South America, and active members working in subtropical or tropical world zones.


  1. Annual meeting. The Caribbean Division holds a regional meeting every year. This provides both an intimate venue in which graduate students can present oral papers, and also provides all members the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and share information with colleagues in our area. 

  2. The Frederick L. Wellman Award (Premio Frederick L. Wellman).  The American Phytopathological Society - Caribbean Division (APS-CD) grants its most prestigious award, the Frederick L. Wellman Award, to an active member of the Society for his or her contributions to the science of plant pathology in the Caribbean-Latin America area, his or her contributions to the parent society, in general, and in particular to the Caribbean Division of APS.

  3. Graduate Student Paper Competition. The Caribbean Division sponsors this competition for students who are members of the Division and APS and are presenting oral papers at the Division meeting.

To Join 

If you are not currently a member of the division and would like to join, contact APS Headquarters or complete the application below (available in both English and Spanish). Membership dues for the Caribbean Division are $15.00 per year for regular members, and $5.00 per year for students, and post-doctorals.

Please join now and support your society at the local level.

English Form      Forma Española

Histories of the APS Caribbean Division

The Development of Plant Pathology in Peru: Historical Review
Ricardo M. Mont-Koc, 2011

EL Desarrollo de la Fitopatología en el Perú: Reseña Histórica  (The development of Plant Pathology in Peru: historical review)
Ricardo M. Mont-Koc, 2011

An Introduction to the History of Plant Pathology: The Origins of the Caribbean Division of The American Phytopathological Society
D. E. Ellis, 1961

Origins of the Caribbean Division of The American Phytopathological Society (APS) and the Current Status of the APS
C. Lee Campbell, 1997 (1.2 mb)

The Development of Plant Pathology in Latin America
Fredrick L. Wellman (1 mb)