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APS Public Policy Board / EPA OPP Roundtable

On November 12-13, 2008, several members of the APS Public Policy Board, along with representatives from several other APS committees, met with staff from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs and from USDA’s Office of Pest Management and the National Agricultural Statistics Service. The purpose of the roundtable was to explore ways in which APS can work more closely with EPA and other federal agencies. The roundtable identified several subject areas and emerging issues that would benefit from an active role by APS members and committees. Specific topics of mutual interest were discussed in detail, including the following:

APS/EPA OPP Roundtable Presentations, Crystal City, VA, November 12-13, 2008

EPA and Pesticide Laws
Laurel Celeste, EPA Office of General Counsel,, +1.202.564.1751

Environmental Fate and Transport Considerations in the Pesticide Registration Process
Keara Moore, OPP/Environmental Fate and Effects Div. (EFED),, +1.703. 305.0878

Ecological Risk Assessment
Edward Odenkirchen, OPP/EFED,, +1.703.305.6449

Human Health Risk Assessment
Christina Swartz, OPP/Health Effects Division (HED),, +1.703.305.5877

Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP)
William Wooge, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Office of Science Coordination and Policy,, +1.202.564.8476

Regulatory Overview for the Soil Fumigants
Eric Olson, OPP/Special Review and Reregistration Division (SRRD),, +1.703.308.8067

Protecting Endangered Species
Megan Thynge, OPP/EFED,, +1.703.305.6005

Registration Review Overview
Kevin Costello, OPP/SRRD,, +1.703.305.5026

U.S. EPA Regulation of Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs)
Chris Wozniak, OPP/Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD),, +1.703.308.4043

Fungicide Resistance Management
James P. Mueller, Dow AgroSciences,, +1.925.634.8768

Resistance Management
Kaitlin Rienzo-Stack, OPP/Biological and Economic Analysis Division,, +1.703.603.0687

Components and Science Behind Plant Performance
Beth Carroll, Syngenta,, +1.336.632.7178

EPA’s Emergency Exemption Program and Difficult Pest Management Cases
Marcel Howard, OPP/Registration Division (RD),, +1.703.305.6784

EPA Strategic Planning
MaryAnn Petrole, OPP/Information Technology and Resource Management Division (ITRMD),, +1.703.308.8685

NASS Agricultural Chemical Usage Program
Jerry Campbell, USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),, +1.202.720.5581

There will continue to be opportunities for partnership and information sharing between APS, EPA and USDA. The roundtable was a pivotal step in developing this working relationship. Any APS member with issues that they wish to bring to the attention of EPA should contact any member of the PPB.