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​Ruth Allen Award​

​The Ruth Allen Award honors individuals who have made an outstanding innovative research contribution that has changed, or has the potential to change, the direction of research in any field of plant pathology. Nominees for this award need not be members of the society.​ 

​Recipients of the award will receive an honorarium derived from a fund established by the heirs of Dr. Allen.

Nomination Guidelines​​​


2024: T. Friesen

2023 A. Whitfield​

2022​ K. Mysore​​

2021 W. Ma​

2020 N. Wang

2019 A. Wang​

2018 K. V. Subbarao

2017 H. Jin

2016 P. Balint-Kurti

2015 N.J. Grunwald

2014 I. Carbone

2013 Y-H Lee and S. Kang ​​

2012 J. L. Dang

2011 V. V. Dolja

2010 R. Loria

2009 D. Nuss​

2008 P. Nagy

2007 H. Scholthof

2006 R. HusseyE. Davis, and T. Baum

2005 T. J. Morris and A. Jackson

2004 H. Judelson

2003 L. Madden

2002 D.C. Baulcombe

2001 R.  E. Davis

2000 W. G. Dougherty and J. Carrington


1966 H. H. Flor
1967 F. O. Holmes
1968 M. K. Brakke
1969 W. C. Snyder
1970 J. B. Bancroft
1971 H. Asuyama
1971 Y. Doi
1971 T. Ishiie
1971 M. Teranaka
1971 K. Yora
1972 R. L. Steere
1973 F. M. Latterell
1973 H. H. Luke
1974 A. C. Goheen
1974 W. B. Hewitt
1974 D. J. Raski
1975 I. A. M. Cruickshank
1976 T. O. Diener
1977 J. W. Gerdemann
1977 D. H. Marx
1978 L. M. Black
1979 J. E. Vanderplank
1980 H. H. Murakishi
1981 R. J. Shepherd 
1982 A. Kerr 
1983 S. Bartnicki-Garcia 
1983 C. E. Bracker 
1983 J. Ruiz-Herrera 
1984 Wen-Hsiung Ko 
1985 W. F. Rochow 
1986 R. M. Lister 
1987 D. C. Arny, S. E. Lindow, and C. D. Upper 
1988 P. G. Ahlquist 
198T. P. Pirone

​1990 R. N. Beachy
1991 G. E. Templeton
1992 J. R. Edwardson
1992 E. Hiebert
1992 D. E. Purcifull
1992 R. G. Christie
1993 H. H. Triantaphyllou
1993 A. C. Triantaphyllou
1994 H. C. Hoch
1994 R. C. Staples
1995 N. T. Keen
1995 B. J. Staskawicz
1996 B. Kirkpatrick
1997 R. J. Cook
1997 L. S. Thomashow
1997 D. M. Weller
1998 H. A. J. Hoitink
1999 Bruce McDonald

*Please note that all bios linked from this page were published at the time of the received award and may not be current.​