What is APS Foundation?
APS Foundation is the charitable arm of our scientific society. Donations to APS Foundation are invested, and the income from those investments support funds that aid our members to advance careers and reward excellence.
What is the mission of APS Foundation?
The APS Foundation promotes and enhances the educational experience and professional development of APS members, which are outside the normal operating budget of APS, through innovative initiatives providing growth and opportunities in the field of plant pathology in support of the sustainable production of an affordable, safe and secure food, feed, fuel and fiber supply.
When was APS Foundation created?
APS Foundation was established by a vote of the membership in 1987.
Who “runs” APS Foundation?
The Foundation Board is composed of a Chair, Chair-elect (when applicable), plus seven board members (four who are appointed by APS Council, and three appointed by the Foundation Board), plus the APS Graduate Student Committee Chair. Additional ex-officio (non-voting) members include the APS Treasurer, APS Chief Executive Officer and other members from staff.
Who has donated to APS Foundation?
Over 3,000 individuals, academic units, agencies, and corporate entities have donated to the APS Foundation.
How can I give to APS Foundation?
The APS Foundation has a variety of
established funds where donors can direct their contributions. Not sure where to give? Consider directing your fund to the general APS Endowment for future initiatives. Your contribution is tax deductible if you are a U.S. citizen and itemize.
Learn more…What percentage of my donation goes to help the funded recipients?
APS Foundation operates almost entirely on volunteers. Over 95% of funds donated are invested to generate the income that supports our portfolio of funds.
How is APS Foundation supported?
What are some things I can do to help support APS Foundation?
Besides donating money to a fund of your choice, we run on volunteers, and we really need allies and advocates to act as multipliers of our fundraising efforts.
- Be an advocate for APS Foundation and what we do. Talk us up—in your academic unit, your company, on your APS committee, or among your peers.
- Donate your time to Foundation. Take charge of a fundraising activity, lead a campaign to raise funds to honor a colleague through a student travel fund, or volunteer for a shift to meet friends and colleagues at the Foundation Booth during the APS annual meeting.
What kinds of activities qualify for support from APS Foundation?
APS Foundation funds a diverse group of activities, including education, research, mentoring, student professional travel, experiential and professional development learning, fostering engagement of underrepresented minorities in plant pathology, and aid to developing countries through programs like Books for the World and Global Experience.
How can I apply for support from APS Foundation?
All funding opportunities and submission requirements are available on our website. Applications typically open in September and close in March of each year.
Where can I find a list of previous awardees?
How many funds have been bestowed by the Foundation?
Foundation has bestowed over 1,300 funds since its creation. Many of our previous recipients are now department chairs, deans, and leaders in industry, private practice, and government service.
How can I make a bequest to APS Foundation?
You can do this at any time by creating a codicil to a will, or by designating APS Foundation as a beneficiary receiving a minor or major portion of an estate, fund, or insurance policy.
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