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Phytopathology June, 1976
Volume 66, Number 6

American Phytopathological Society Board & Staff.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Detection and Losses

Representational Errors Due to Interplot Interference in Field Experiments with Late Blight of Potato. W. C. James, C. S. Shih, W. A. Hodgson, and L. C. Callbeck.  Pages 695-700. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Distribution of the A1 Mating Type of Phytophthora cinnamomi. G. A. Zentmyer. Pages 701-703. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Pathogenicity of Pythium myriotylum and Other Species of Pythium to Caladium Derived From Shoot-Tip Culture. W. H. Ridings, R. D. Hartman. Pages 704-709. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Identity and Pathogenicity of Species of Phytophthora Causing Root Rot of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. R. G. Pratt, L. F. Roth, E. M. Hansen, and W. D. Ostrofsky. Pages 710-714. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Pathogenicity of Different Isolates of Stemphylium botryosum on Alfalfa Differentials. O. L. Borges, E. H. Stanford, and R. K. Webster. Pages 715-716. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Arthroconidia Formation in Cultures of Marasmius perniciosus. Julio C. Delgado, A. A. Cook. Pages 717-718. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Race Differentiation, Distribution, and Frequency of Rhynchosporium secalis in California. L. F. Jackson, R. K. Webster. Pages 719-725. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


The Dynamics of a Controlled Population of Rhynchosporium secalis, Changes in Race Composition and Frequencies. L. F. Jackson, R. K. Webster. Pages 726-728. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


A Graft-Transmissible Agent Associated with Bark- and Wood-Grooving Disease of Peach and Nectarine. D. A. Rosenberger, A. L. Jones. Pages 729-730. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Influence of Benomyl Soil Treatment on Pinto Bean Plants Exposed to Peroxyacetyl Nitrate and Ozone. Eva J. Pell. Pages 731-733. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Response of Potassium-Deficient Tomato Plants to Atmospheric Ozone. Ida A. Leone. Pages 734-736. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Cytology and Histology

Infection of Sugarbeet by Cercospora beticola in Relation to Stomatal Condition. Y. Rathaiah. Pages 737-740. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Cytology and Histology

Histopathology of One- and Two-Year-Old Resisted Infections by Cronartium fusiforme in Slash Pine. F. F. Jewell, Daphne C. Speirs. Pages 741-748. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Cytology and Histology

The Host-Pathogen Interaction of Alfalfa and Stemphylium botryosum. O. L. Borges, E. H. Stanford, and R. K. Webster. Pages 749-753. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Cytology and Histology

Ultrastructural Evidence for Immobilization of an Incompatible Bacterium, Pseudomonas pisi, in Tobacco Leaf Tissue. R. N. Goodman, Pi-Yu Huang, and J. A. White. Pages 754-764. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

Germination of Coffee Rust Uredospores and Their Inhibition by Cinnamic Acid Derivatives. Mark A. Stahmann, Maria Raphaela Musumeci, and Walkyria B. C. Moraes. Pages 765-769. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

Immunological Comparison and Characterization of Ribosomes of Xanthomonas vesicatoria. N. W. Schaad. Pages 770-776. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Production of Microsclerotia by Species of Cylindrocladium. Barry B. Hunter, H. L. Barnett. Pages 777-780. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Weather and Epidemics of Septoria Leaf Blotch of Wheat. Gregory Shaner, Robert E. Finney. Pages 781-785. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Germination of Alternaria solani Spores in Changing Osmotic Pressures. Paul E. Waggoner, Jean-Yves Parlange. Pages 786-789. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Protection of Cucumber against Colletotrichum lagenarium and Cladosporium cucumerinum. R. Hammerschmidt, S. Acres, and J. Kuć. Pages 790-793. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Incorporation of Additive Genes for Stripe Rust Resistance in Winter Wheat. E. L. Sharp, B. K. Sally, and G. A. Taylor. Pages 794-797. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Effects of Some Nitrogenous Materials and Wetting Agents on Survival in Soil of Lesion, Stylet, and Lance Nematodes. P. M. Miller. Pages 798-800. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Hydrocooling and Hydraircooling with Fungicides for Reduction of Postharvest Decay of Peaches. John M. Wells, A. H. Bennett. Pages 801-805. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Relation of Dosage Rates, Nutrition, Air Temperature, and Suscept Genotype to Side Effects of Systemic Fungicides on Turfgrasses. Bobby G. Joyner, Houston B. Couch. Pages 806-810. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Test Tube Method of Bioassay for Thielaviopsis basicola Root Rot of Soybean. J. N. C. Maduewesi, J. L. Lockwood. Pages 811-814. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Assay for Viruses and Mycoplasmas Using Serologically Specific Electron Microscopy. K. S. Derrick, R. H. Brlansky. Pages 815-820. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE