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Plant Disease April, 1990
Volume 74, Number 4

Plant Disease Editorial Board & Policies.    VIEW ABSTRACT  |  VIEW ARTICLE


Use of Antitranspirant Epidermal Coatings for Plant Protection in China. Jing-sheng Han. Pages: 263-266 VIEW ARTICLE


Symptoms and Fungal Associations of Declining Chamaecyparis nootkatensis in Southeast Alaska. P. E. Hennon. Pages: 267-273 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Dot Blot Detection of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus RNA in Plant and Thrips Tissues by cDNA Clones. Douglas J. Rice. Pages: 274-276 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effects of Tractor Traffic and Chlorothalonil Applied via Ground Sprays or Center Pivot Irrigation Systems on Peanut Diseases and Pod Yields. T. B. Brenneman. Pages: 277-279 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Susceptibility of Immature and Mature Sweet and Sour Cherries to Monilinia fructicola. J. Northover. Pages: 280-284 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Postharvest Fungi of Lowbush Blueberry Fruit. D. H. Lambert. Pages: 285-287 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Transmission of Mucor piriformis to Fruit of Prunus persica by Carpophilus spp. and Drosophila melanogaster. Themis J. Michailides. Pages: 287-291 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Identification and Importance of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Morocco. M. El Yamani. Pages: 291-294 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Brushing Method of Inoculation for Screening Tomato Seedlings for Resistance to Septoria lycopersici. J. C. Tu. Pages: 294-297 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Numbers of Inclusion Bodies Produced by Mild and Severe Strains of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Seven Citrus Hosts. R. H. Brlansky. Pages: 297-299 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Selective Isolation of Pseudomonas cichorii from Soil and from Leaves and Buds of Dendranthema grandiflora. J. B. Jones. Pages: 300-303 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Changes in the Distribution of Trichothecenes and Zearalenone in Maize with Gibberella Ear Rot During Storage at Cool Temperatures. D. T. Wicklow. Pages: 304-305 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Resistance to Gerlachia oryzae in Rice. J. M. Bonman. Pages: 306-309 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

An Inoculation Technique to Assess Soybean Plants for Response to Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines. A. A. Cook. Pages: 309-310 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Injury of Three Ornamental Flower Crops from Simulated Acidic Fog. Patrick M. McCool. Pages: 310-312 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Detached-Leaf Technique for Detecting Resistance to Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae in Tobacco. E. C. Tedford. Pages: 313-316 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Sporulation of Lirula macrospora and Symptom Development on Sitka Spruce in Southeast Alaska. P. E. Hennon. Pages: 316-319 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Aphid Transmission of Strawberry Mottle Virus from Chenopodium quinoa to Fragaria vesca. R. F. Hepp. Pages: 320-321 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and Pectolytic Strains of X. campestris in Bean Debris. R. L. Gilbertson. Pages: 322-327 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Resistance to Beet Western Yellows Virus Among Forage Brassicas. P. E. Thomas. Pages: 327-330 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Notes

Phyllosticta penicillariae on Pearl Millet in the United States. J. P. Wilson. Page: 331 VIEW NOTE

Bacterial Fruit Blotch of Watermelon in Indiana. R. X. Latin. Page: 331 VIEW NOTE

Frequency of Benomyl-Resistant Botrytis cinerea Causing Gray Mold of Wild Blackberry in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. K. B. Johnson. Page: 331 VIEW NOTE

Recent Outbreak of Phomopsis Leaf Blight, Caused by Phomopsis obscurans, on Strawberry Petioles and Stolons in Connecticut. W. H. Elmer. Page: 331 VIEW NOTE

Chondrostereum purpureum Associated with Decline of Betula papyrifera in Thunder Bay, Ontario. J. A. McLaughlin. Page: 331 VIEW NOTE

Special Topic

APPLICAL, RANDOMA, and MULTSTAT—Three Microcomputer Utilities for Managing Field Trial Experiments. W. W. Shane, T. G. Joyner, and C. C. Powell. Pages: 333-334.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |  VIEW ARTICLE


The Latest in Plant Pathology and Nematology. Page: 335  VIEW ABSTRACT  |  VIEW ARTICLE