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2024 APS Officer Election​

​As noted in the APS Constitution​, eligible voting APS members in good standing were emailed a ballot on June 5, 2024. Voting is open through July 7, 2024 (midnight CDT). Election results will be shared with the membership following the election. Elected officials begin their term at the close of Plant Health 2024. 

Note if you didn't receive your email ballot, it may have been caught in your server's spam filters. Check Clutter, Junk, Quarantine, etc., and ask your IT department whether it got caught in server firewa​​lls. You can check Survey Monkey's Help page for IPs and domains your IT department can whitelist to ensure you receive it. 

Questions? Contact APS headquarters with ballot inquires​.  ​​

Meet Your Candidates​

One individual will be elected for each position. Click on the ​candidate's name to view their leadership experience and vision statement for APS. 

Vice President

Courtney Gallup
Corteva Agriscience

Francesca Peduto Hand
The Ohio State University


Cruz Avila-Adame

Corteva Agriscience​

Olufemi Alabi

Texas A&M University

Samantha Thomas

Bayer Crop Science